SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Reviewing and Updating Independent Study Sections
Notes on Independent Study (IND) sections
- Instructors term roll with their sections. This is unique to IND sections; instructors do not term roll for classes with other component types like LEC, DIS, LAB, or SEM.
- It is customary to use the same Class Section number for an instructor across IND courses within a subject. For example, Professor Vargas is assigned section 079 in the A1 session each fall and spring for IND sections in their subject, including courses with catalog numbers 681 (Senior Honors Thesis), 691 (Undergraduate Thesis), 699 (Directed Study), 990 (Thesis), and 999 (Research).
- The following limits will be applied to IND courses offered in summer 2015 and beyond:
- Enrollment in an undergraduate course numbered x98, x99, x89, 681, 682, 691 or 692 will require instructor consent (indicated in the course catalog entry)
- IND sections will not be provided a room assignment
- IND sections will not have a meeting pattern
- IND sections will have no more than one instructor
- Be sure that the following are also true:
- Section number and Association number must match
- Class type is set as Enrollment Section
- Instruction Mode is set to P (Classroom Instruction)
- The instructor's assigned role should be Principal Instructor
- See also: Policy: Directed/Independent Study for Undergraduates
How to add an Independent Study section
Step 1
- From Home, select: Curric & Enroll Rep WorkCenter, Maintain Schedule of Classes
- Schedule New Course
Tip: Menu navigation: > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Maintain Schedule of Classes for classes that have already been scheduled - or - > Schedule New Course to add a new IND course to your Schedule of Classes for a term.
Step 2
Use the Find page to locate the desired course. Search by Term and Subject Area to view a list of all scheduled courses, or search by Term, Subject Area, and Catalog Nbr to find a specific course.
Step 3
Follow the instructions at Maintain Schedule of Classes or Schedule New Course to schedule a new class section.
- Use the Update Sections of a Class page to review all IND sections on one page.
- Most IND sections are offered for a credit range (e.g. 1-6 credits), since students work with their faculty instructors to determine the number of credits they should enroll for based on student workload in compliance with the Policy on the Credit Hour.