EMS Desktop Client - Outlook Configuration

This document covers how to setup EMS to send from Outlook. Emails sent through Outlook will not be recorded in EMS. The Outlook sent folder should be used for auditing of all previously sent confirmations and emails. You can search for the Reservation ID to find all emails sent regarding that record.


Add a Service Account in Outlook

Outlook will need to be configured this way on all workstations needing to email from the service account. If the workstation already has the service account added to Outlook, you can skip this step.

  1. Open Outlook
  2. Go to File
    Image of Outlook UI identifying File button
  3. Click "Add account"
    Image of Outlook Account information page identifying Add Account button
  4. Enter the Email address of the service account
    Image of Outlook add account page, Email address filled with EMS-notify@doit.wisc.edu
  5. Log in with the Service Account.
    1. Username should take this form: email_domain (e.g. EMS-Notify_Doit)
    2. Password is the password of the service account.
      Image of Netid signin page. Netid ems-nofity_doit Password 9 dots
  6. Ensure the account is successfully added.
    Image of Outlook Account Successfully added window. Subtitle: You need to restart Outlook for these changes to take effect.
  7. If you cannot send an email with the service account or cannot see the service account's mailbox:
    1. Close Outlook
    2. Wait 10 seconds
    3. Open Outlook

Set a Service Account as the default Send account

  1. Go to File
    Image of Outlook UI identifying File button
  2. Click Account Settings -> Manage Profiles
    Image of Outlook Account information page Identifying Accounts Settings Drop down and ManageProfiles button
  3. Select Email Accounts
    Image of Outlook Manage Profiles Window. Identifying Email Accounts
  4. Select the Service Account and click Set As Default
    Image of Outlook Account Settings Email Accounts. Identifying an Email account ems-notify@doit.wisc.edu and Set as Default button

Now any new emails will default to having the Service account as the From address.

Configure EMS to use Outlook for Email

  1. Open EMS
  2. For Personal settings
    1. Go to Settings -> Preferences
    2. Uncheck "Use Global Settings" if checked
    3. Check "Use Microsoft Outlook"
      Image of EMS Preference Page. Identifying Use Microsoft Outlook check box
  3. For Global Settings
    1. Go to System Administration -> Settings -> Email Settings
      Image of EMS main Screen showing System administration dropdown, Settings dropdown, Identifying Email Settings
    2. Select "Use Microsoft Outlook Only"

      Image of EMS Email Settings Window, identifying Use Microsoft Outllook Only bullet

Sending an EMS Email using Microsoft Outlook

  1. Open EMS
  2. For generic emails:
    1. Click the Email button
  3. For Confirmations:
    1. Navigate to a Reservation
    2. Open Revervation/Booking Summary
    3. Select Confirmation
    4. Set Confirmation template settings
    5. Click the Email button
  4. Outlook will open a new mail window with the generated Confirmation template.
  5. Check that From address is correct. If it is incorrect, it can be changed in the "From" drop down.
    Image of Outlook New message window showing Fron dropdown
  6. Click "Send"


Sent items stuck in the outbox

Occasionally, the Outlook client gets confused as-to whether or not it has permissions to send emails. Some Outlook instances have the issue, some don’t. For ones having the issue, the below steps seem to resolve it: 

  1. Remove the service account from Outlook
    1. File -> Info -> Account Settings -> Account Settings…
    2. Under the “Email” tab, select the service account, then click “Remove”
    3. Restart Outlook
  2. Add mailbox permissions to the main account
    1. File > Info > Account Settings > Account Settings…
    2. Under the “Email” tab, select the main account, then click “Change”
    3. In the Exchange Account Settings pop-up, click “More Settings”
    4. Navigate to the “Advanced” tab, then click the “Add” button
    5. Enter the email address of the service account, then click “OK”. Make sure the account has been added, then click “OK” to close the window
    6. Close the Exchange Account Settings pop-up, then close the Account Settings pop-up
    7. Restart Outlook
  3. Re-add the service account to Outlook as described in the above section Setup Service Account in Outlook.


Sent items being saved to the default user’s Sent folder, as opposed to the service account’s Sent folder

This typically is a result of how a computer is managed and the settings applied to Outlook. This KB doc may be able to resolve the issue: https://kb.wisc.edu/45343.