Course evaluation scorecard

A scorecard to review the quality of your blended/hybrid course

Evaluating Hybrid Courses

In the dynamic landscape of education, where traditional classroom settings merge seamlessly with online platforms, evaluating course quality becomes paramount for ensuring effective learning outcomes. As educational institutions navigate the complexities of hybrid learning environments, the Online Learning Consortium's Quality Scorecard provides a comprehensive framework to gauge the effectiveness and efficacy of hybrid courses. By leveraging this tool, educators and administrators are empowered to scrutinize various facets of hybrid course design, delivery, and interaction, ultimately fostering an environment conducive to enriched learning experiences and student success. Note: The Online Learning Consortium originally published the Quality Scorecard to evaluate the quality of blended learning programs.  We have modified this document to be used to evaluate a blended course.


Institutional awareness elements
1 The instructor has a process to enable systematic and continuous improvement related to the administration of their blended course.
2 The instructor follows recommendations from their school/department/institution to enable precise, timely, effective, and comprehensive decision-making related to their blended course.
3 The instructor can articulate the rationale for the blended activities they have created.
4 The instructor can communicate the strategic value of their blended learning approach to stakeholders (students, faculty, department).
5 The blended course supports the school, department, or institution’s mission, accreditation standards, values, and/or strategic plan.
6 The instructor uses institutional offerings for planning and resource allocation for the blended course.
7 The instructor knows and tracks the time and resources needed to design, implement, and facilitate their blended course.
8 The instructor is aware of campus policies, guidelines, and solutions that confirm a student who registered in a blended course is the same student who participates in and completes course assignments.
9 The instructor is aware of and follows a process to ensure permissions are in place for the appropriate use of all course materials (Creative Commons, Copyright, Fair Use, Public Domain, etc.).


Technology elements
1 The instructor has received support in developing and using new technologies deployed in their blended course.
2 The instructor has selected technologies supported by the institution and/or developed alternate support plans to accommodate non-supported technologies.
3 The instructor has documented their technology support plan in their course syllabus.
4 The instructor has selected technologies that facilitate the achievement of identified learning outcomes, delivery of course content, and facilitation of active learning to prevent the unnecessary use of technology.
5 The instructor has created instructional materials that are easily accessible to students regardless of the operative system they use.


Instructional design elements
1 The instructor has followed a course development process (e.g., backward design process) that ensures courses are designed with alignment between course materials, assessments, and learning objectives to ensure students develop the necessary knowledge and skills to meet the measurable identified learning outcomes of the course.
2 The instructor has followed campus standards for creating, designing, and delivering blended courses (e.g., course syllabus, course materials, assessment strategies, and active learning activities).
3 The instructor has attempted to reduce cognitive load by designing their course to align with other blended courses (e.g., course elements, interface, navigation, etc).
4 The instructor designed the blended course as a cohesive whole, incorporating and connecting online and face-to-face experiences.
5 The blended course materials (online and in-class), course assignments, and course syllabus are reviewed to ensure they meet the identified learning outcomes.
6 Course activities are reviewed to ensure contact hours guidelines are met.
7 The instructor has designed the course to be student-centered and to foster active learning.
8 The blended course promotes student-student, student-content, and student-instructor interactions.
9 The instructor has developed a plan to review the effectiveness (pedagogical and technical) of course activities and a process to solicit feedback.
10 The instructor has a solid understanding of blended learning theory and practice.


Course structure elements
1 The blended course includes a syllabus outlining course objectives, unit objectives, evaluation methods, books and supplies required, and technical and other support solutions.
2 The instructor has ensured all students, regardless of location, have access to learning materials used in the blended course.
3 The instructor has communicated expectations for student assignment completion, grading policy, and instructor response rate in the blended course syllabus.
4 The instructor has provided links to or explained technical support resources for technologies used in the blended course.
5 The instructor has communicated rules and standards for appropriate student behavior and/or code of ethics in the blended course syllabus.
6 The instructor has ensured instructional materials are easily accessible to all students with disabilities.
7 The instructor has created a visually appealing and easily navigable blended course space.


Engagement elements
1 The instructor facilitates appropriate student-student, student-content, and student-instructor engagements.
2 The instructor's feedback on student assignments and questions is constructive, actionable, and provided promptly.
3 The instructor facilitates engaging, learner-centered experiences in both online and face-to-face activities.
4 The instructor provides students with an understanding of the designed learning pathway and the learning objectives supported by activities.
5 The instructor builds connections between online and face-to-face activities to present the course as a coherent learning environment.


Faculty support elements
1 The instructor knows where to get technical assistance throughout the course creation process (design, development, delivery, and evaluation.
2 The instructor knows where to get assistance with training on fair use, plagiarism, and other relevant legal and ethical concepts.
3 The instructor knows where to get assistance with selecting and using technologies to create and deliver course activities and materials.
4 The instructor knows where to build a foundation of blended learning principles and approaches.


Student support elements
1 Using the Course Guide, students are provided with information regarding required course materials and/or digital formats, such as ISBNs for textbooks, book suppliers, and delivery modes, before the Class.
2 At the beginning of the course, the instructor helps students understand how the blended course will operate for students (handing in materials, participating in online and face-to-face activities, technologies used, etc).
3 Throughout the course, the instructor provides students with opportunities for training and information they will need to secure required materials through electronic databases, inter-library loans, and other resources.
4 Throughout the course, the instructor provides students with appropriate training assistance and technical support for the technologies they need to use.
5 The instructor is available and responsive to students' questions throughout the course.


Evaluation elements
1 The instructor uses various sources for data on the course's effectiveness (e.g., formal course evaluations, informal student surveys, student performance measurements, and instructor reflection).
2 The instructor reviews the intended course and unit objectives to determine whether changes need to be made in alignment, clarity, design, appropriateness of cognitive level, required knowledge, etc.
3 Course evaluations collect feedback on the effectiveness of student support resources and identify and communicate gaps to service providers.
4 Course evaluations collect student feedback on the effectiveness of instruction the instructor provides.
5 Course evaluations collect student feedback on the quality and usefulness of blended course activities.

course, evaluation, process, rubric
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Timmo D. in Instructional Resources
Center for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring