SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adjust Class Associations Page
From the SIS Homepage, select the Curric & Enrollment Rep WorkCenter tile. Select "Adjust Class Associations."
Use the Find page to locate the course. Search by Institution, Term, and Subject Area (option: add Catalog Nbr).
There are three tabs:
Class Associations Tab Field Descriptions
The following list provides the fields and field descriptions for the "Class Associations" tab:
- Course ID: The unique number assigned by the system when a course is first added to the Course Catalog.
- Academic Institution: Always displays "UWMSN" for UW–Madison.
- Term: The four-digit numeric code representing century; academic year; and fall, spring, or summer.
- Subject Area: The three-digit numeric code that identifies an instructional unit with a discrete grouping of courses.
- Catalog Nbr: The course number in a Subject Area.
- Session: This represents the weeks in a term that instruction occurs for classes that are scheduled in the session. The code "A1" represents the regular 15-week session in the fall and spring semesters. Three-letter codes represent:
- Sessions that are shorter or longer than the A1 session,
- Summer sessions, or
- Sessions for classes that do not meet every week.
- Note: The codes for these modular sessions denote the week instruction begins, the number of weeks spanned, and the number of instructional weeks. Review this page for more details and to view existing session codes for a given term.
- Associated Class Nbr: This number identifies class sections that are part of a unique enrollment package. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Class Associations.
- Minimum/Maximum Units: The minimum and maximum units (credits) for which students may enroll in a course. For courses that have been approved for a credit range in the course catalog, it's essential to ensure that minimum and maximum credits are correctly set for specific course offerings each term. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Editing Variable Credit.
- Academic Progress Units: Tied to Minimum Units but may not be updated directly.
- FA Units: Used by the Office of Student Financial Aid; tied to Minimum Units but may not be updated directly.
- Course Count: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Course Contact Hours: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Billing Factor: Used by the Bursar's Office.
- Instructor Edit: This field is not applicable.
- Tuition Group: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Use Blind Grading: UW–Madison does not use this field.
The only fields Curricular Reps may edit on this tab are Minimum Units and Maximum Units.
Class Components Tab Field Descriptions
The following list provides the fields and field descriptions for the "Class Components" tab:
- Associated Class: This number identifies class sections that are part of a unique enrollment package. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Class Associations.
- Grading Basis: This identifies how a student will be graded. Values include:
- OPT for Student Option where students are graded on an A-F scale
- CNC for Credit/No Credit course
- SUS for grading of Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
- Graded Component: This designates the component from which course grade rosters are generated. This may be set differently at the class association level.
- Grade Roster Print: This identifies how the grading information will be organized for grade reporting purposes. For UW–Madison, it always displays "Component."
- Requirement Designation: This provides information regarding Honors. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adding Honors Designation.
- Primary Component: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Associated Class Attributes: This is used by the Office of the Registrar in the final exam scheduling process.
- Course Component: This is used for scheduling and reporting purposes. Component types are not intended to describe the pedagogy or instruction mode of the class. Component types include Lecture (LEC), Discussion (DIS), Laboratory (LAB), Seminar (SEM), Field Studies (FLD), and Independent Study (IND). Contact Curricular Services if a course does not have the correct component or if an additional component is needed. Note that only components approved through academic governance and in the course catalog may be scheduled for a given course.
- Contact: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Optional: If the class is part of a variable unit course, and one component is optional for an additional credit or due to the student's career, "Optional" will be checked. This also applies to sections that are optional, e.g., optional discussion sections. If you need a component marked or unmarked as optional, contact Curricular Services.
- Workload Hours: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Final Exam: This field displays "Yes" if a final exam is given and "No" if it is not. It may also display "Course Group," "Deans Exception," or "Last Class Meeting." Contact the final exam specialist in Curricular Services if the final exam value needs updating.
- Auto Create: UW–Madison does not use this field.
- Section: This identifies the section number associated with the class associations you are viewing.
- "i" icon: Select the "i" icon to display the Meeting Pattern. Select "Return" when you're done viewing.
- Class Nbr: The unique 5-digit number automatically assigned to each section. This number can be used for student enrollment.
- Component: This is used for scheduling and reporting purposes. Component types are not intended to describe the pedagogy or instruction mode of the class. Component types include Lecture (LEC), Discussion (DIS), Laboratory (LAB), Seminar (SEM), Field Studies (FLD), and Independent Study (IND).
- Class Type: This identifies if this is a Non-Enrollment or Enrollment section.
- Class Status: This is displayed as either "Active" or "Cancelled."
- Section (9999): This identifies the section number(s) of other class associations numbered 9999.
The only field Curricular Reps may edit on this tab is the Requirement Designation.
Class Requisites Tab Field Descriptions
The following list provides the fields and field descriptions for the "Class Requisites" tab:
- Associated Class: This number identifies class sections that are part of a unique enrollment package. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Class Associations.
- Also Use Catalog Requisite: If checked, the enrollment engine will enforce both the Catalog Requisite AND the Class Association (i.e. section-level) requisite. These two requisites will work together. If unchecked, the enrollment engine will enforce only requisites placed at the Class Association level; Curricular Representatives may not uncheck this.
- Requirement Group: Requirement group number to be enforced through the enrollment engine. Academic requirements (such as prior coursework) may generally only be enforced via the catalog requisite rather than the section-level requisite; the primary exceptions are topics courses. See also: SIS/Building Your Schedule of Classes - Adding Section-Level Requisites.
- Detail: The Requirement Group Summary showing details of the section-level requirement group.
- Long Description: The summary description of the Requirement Group.
The only field Curricular Reps may edit on this tab is the Requirement Group within Class Association Requisites (also known as section-level requisites).