University Committee Meeting Minutes 2023-01-30
UC members present: Bernard-Donals, Li, Papp (chair), Tejedo-Herrero, Zweifel
Others: Greg Bump, Michelle Felber, Lesley Fisher, Jennifer Noyes, Julie Scharm, Lindsey Stoddard Cameron
Chair Papp called the meeting to order at 1:00 pm.
The minutes for the meeting of January 23, 2023, were approved with one correction.
Secretary Daniels reported that the Faculty Senate had endorsed the policy on Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence training including the tie of completion of that training to raises. The information on cybersecurity is not yet clear.
She also discussed ongoing conversations she has been having with Crystal Potts and Charlie Hoslet about changing the mandated start day of no earlier than Sept 2 to no earlier than Sept 1.
The University Committee (UC) briefly discussed a proposed 2% increase to the standard promotion increases for faculty. They asked for the Provost or Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff to attend a future meeting for further discussion.
The UC also reviewed the Faculty Senate agenda for February and made assignments for the presentation of different motions.
Chancellor Mnookin shared the announcement about the new Center on Campus History, which is named after Chancellor Emerita Rebecca Blank. It will be administratively located under John Zumbrunnen, the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning. They are still working on the details including space. There will be a search for the director.
UW-Madison law school has opted out of the US News rankings. There are about 40 schools who have opted out. In law schools, there are no competing rankings and the numbers provided to US News are not audited. Yale opted out first and has been ranked number one or two for many years. US News has announced they will no longer be using any private information, and they have also removed the debt metric. Medical schools have also started opting out.
The Provost search and screen process is underway. The search firm is talking to interested candidates, and applications are due in mid Feb.
The results of the free speech survey will be announced at UW Oshkosh later this week.
UW-Madison is hosting the Board of Regents meeting next week. They will hold a reception for Regents in the new Chemistry Building. As the host, UW-Madison will provide presentations at each committee meeting. In Budget & Finance, there will be a discussion of UW-Madison’s revenue strategies. In Capital Planning, a discussion of needs including space for music and arts. Provost Scholz will be talking about ChatGPT and change in education with a panel. Dean Gillaspy from CALS will chair a panel on University Business Partnerships. Chancellor Mnookin will address the full board and announce a new program allowing more access to UW-Madison. She’ll discuss future directions and hopes.
Lisa Forest, Chair of the Committee on Disability Access and Inclusion, discussed the committee’s annual report. They have been learning about the link between Charles Van Hise and eugenics. They are looking to install a plaque in Van Hise recognizing his involvement in the eugenics movement. The committee has put forward potential language for the plaque. They are holding an even on Van Hise on February 23 at Union South. The committee is also working to develop their own website that could serve as a resource for the community.
She also mentioned an online resource on appropriate language use around disabilities that was developed by Ruben Mota.
Heather Schlesser, incoming chair of the Kemper K Knapp Bequest Committee, presented the annual report for this current year. The committee funds requests for campus activities that full the donor’s request to enrich the undergraduate experience. They received 29 requests and approved 21 of them. The bequest funds several large scholarship funds and also supports smaller projects up to $10,000.
Papp motioned, and it was seconded, to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss waivers and committee appointments at 2:45. One tenure clock extension was approved.
Papp motioned to reconvene in open session at 3:15. It was seconded and approved.
Papp adjourned the meeting at 3:26.