Graduate Transfer Credit for Prior Coursework - How to Enter Transfer Credit

This document provides an overview of graduate transfer credit for prior coursework, including the process for entering it in the Graduate Student Portal (My Grad Portal).

How to Add Graduate Transfer Credit

Under the Graduate School: Transfer Credits for Prior Coursework policy, graduate programs may use prior coursework for transfer credits. These can be used towards meeting degree requirements. 

Transfer credits must be added to a student's record through the prior coursework section in My Grad Portal. These credits automatically populate in the warrant. The courses do not need to be added again. If transfer credits are added to the warrant, they will show up in the prior coursework section on the student's page in My Grad Portal (though you cannot select a program that differs from the warrant when adding courses to a warrant). Programs may use this process to indicate prior coursework meeting degree requirements for zero credit (course requirement, but no credit requirement). 

Expand the tab below based on the type of prior coursework you'd like to add. Table 1 Graduate Transfer Credit Course Definitions has been moved to the Types of Transfer Credit KB.

Prior coursework used for transfer credit should only be entered into My Grad Portal one time, even if satisfying requirements for multiple degrees at UW-Madison. 

*If a student changes programs via the Add/Change option in My Grad Portal, transfer credit(s) for prior coursework from the previously enrolled program should be deleted and reentered for the student's active graduate program. 

Where to Add Graduate Transfer Credit (My Grad Portal)

  1. Navigate to My Grad Portal and click on the Enrollment Data tile to access a student's record. Enrollment Data Tile
  2. Search for the student via the Filters field (e.g., Campus ID, EmplID, or program and term). Once you locate the student, click on the the student's Name to populate their record. Blank My Grad Portal Student Search
  3. Once on a specific student's page, you can add transfer credit in the Prior Coursework section (Option 1). Prior coursework section circled in red in the My Grad Portal.
  4. Alternatively, you can start a Warrant and add transfer credit as part of the Prior Coursework step in the warrant process (Option 2). Request Warrant button circled in red in the My Grad Portal.My Grad Portal warrant step 3 with prior course work question and section circled in red.
  5. When you are ready to enter the graduate transfer credit as prior coursework, you will be able to Add Course or Add Degree.  The following sections provide instructions on how to use each button. Prior Coursework section with red circle around Add Course and Add Degree buttons.

How to Enter Graduate Transfer Credit Using "Add Course" (Non UW-Madison Course)

The Add Course function allows you to add any Prior Coursework (Graduate Coursework from Another Institution or Undergraduate Coursework from Another Institution) and apply it to any of the student's existing programs. The following steps outline how to add individual transfer courses.

  1. Click on the Add Course button in the upper right corner.

    Add Course Button

  2. Select the student's Program and Course Type. Select the course type, "Graduate Course From Other Institution". Note that the options to select a UW-Madison Undergraduate course, UW-Madison Professional course, or UW-Madison Special Student course will only appear if the student was enrolled at UW-Madison as an undergraduate, professional, or university special student respectively.Select program and course type

  3. Click the Institution field to search and select the institution where the prior coursework was completed.

    Search for Institution
  4. Once the institution field is completed, you will be returned to the Add Prior Coursework screen. Fill out the relevant fields and click Save. It is important to enter a course number and the most closely related subject for each course entered. Select the term the course was earned. Note that the credits field should be entered as a whole number (e.g., no decimal points). Programs choosing to utilize the Zero Credit option to meet degree requirements, simply need to enter "0" in the Credits field (expand the zero credit tab on this KB for more information).

    Save Prior Coursework Entry
  5. Review the transfer credit entry for accuracy. To edit the entry, click on the Pencil icon in the Actions column. Make note of the second to last column (Exported to SIS?), as this indicates a successful transfer of data into SIS. This means that the course will now appear on the student's transcript and GSTS Advisement Report.

    Exported to SIS and Actions Columns

How to Enter Graduate Transfer Credit Using "Add Course" (UW-Madison Course)

The Add Course function allows you to add any Prior Coursework (UW-Madison Undergraduate Course, UW-Madison Special Student Course, UW Madison Professional Degree Course) and apply it to any of the student's existing programs. The following steps outline how to add individual transfer courses.

  1. Select the appropriate Course Type (UW-Madison Undergraduate Course, UW-Madison Special Student Course, UW Madison Professional Degree Course). The institution automatically populates once the course type field is selected. Click the UW Course field to view the UW-Madison courses that the student has taken. 

    Search and Select Institution

  2. Select the course that will be transferred to the student's graduate record. The term, UW-Madison Course, UW-Madison Course ID, and Credits fields will auto populate. The database will also determine if the course should count towards the 50% Graduate Coursework Requirement. 

    UW Course Search

  3.  If you select a UW-Madison Special Student course that is numbered below 700, an additional question will appear asking if the course was taken as part of a Capstone certificate. Once complete, click Save
    Add Prior Coursework page with capstone questions circled in red.
  4. Confirm the number of credits attached to the UW-Madison course. If applicable, click the Pencil icon in the credits field to adjust the amount of credits to comply with your program's prior coursework policy. 
    Pencil icon for credits field
  5. Click Save to add the entry to the student's record. 
    save icon screen
  6. Review the transfer credit entry for accuracy. To edit the entry, click on the Pencil icon in the Actions column. Make note of the second to last column (Exported to SIS), this indicates a successful transfer of data into SIS. This means that the course will now show up on the student's transcript and GSTS Advisement Report. 

UW Special Student Graduate Transfer Credit Entry

UW-Madison Professional Degree Coursework

Coursework from a student's UW-Madison professional degree coursework may be added to the Prior Coursework section. The following images provide a preview of what you will encounter while adding transfer credit.

  1. Select the student's program and course type.
    select course
  2. Click on the UW Course field to search the student's course history. 
    course select for professional career
  3. Select the course that should be added to the student's Prior Coursework section. If needed, adjust the number of credits to be transferred into the student's program. 
    professional course entry
  4. Review the entry and click Save. 
    save professional course entry menu


How to Enter Graduate Transfer Credit Using "Add Degree"

The Add Degree function allows you to add a bulk number of credits from an Accredited Undergraduate Degree, an Accredited External Masters Degree, or a UW Madison Capstone Certificate to one of a student's programs. You will enter the number of credits to be transferred from the degree through this process. The following steps outline how to add graduate transfer credit from a degree. 

  1. Navigate to the Prior Coursework section and click the Add Degree button.

    Add Degree button
  2. Select the student's Program and Course Type. The course type will allow you to indicate the type of degree earned.

    Add type of degree menu
  3. Click the Institution field to search and select the institution where the degree was earned.

    Search and select institution menu
  4. Enter the Total Credits to be transferred from the degree and whether or not the credits should count towards the 50% graduate coursework requirement.  If some of the credits should count for the 50% graduate coursework requirement, and some should not, you will need to do two separate entries. There is also a space for details which are optional to add. Once complete, click Save. Note that the total credits should be entered as a whole number (e.g., no decimal points).

    Add Degree Save Button
  5. Review the transfer credit entry for accuracy. To edit the entry, click on the Pencil icon in the Actions column. Make note of the second to last column (Exported to SIS?), this indicates a successful transfer of data into SIS. This means that the course will now show up on the student's transcript and GSTS Advisement Report.

    External Degree Entry

How to Delete a Graduate Transfer Credit Entry 

The following steps outline how to delete a course or degree for graduate transfer credit in My Grad Portal. Deleting an entry from the Prior Coursework section removes the graduate transfer credit in the student's transcript and their GSTS Advisement Report. Note that prior coursework used for transfer credit should only be entered into My Grad Portal one time, even if counting for multiple degrees at UW-Madison. 

  1. Navigate to the Prior Coursework section. 
    Prior Coursework section
  2. Verify the entry to be deleted. Locate the Actions column and click the Trash Can icon.
    Delete icon in prior coursework section
  3. Click Delete to finalize removal of the entry.
    Delete confirmation screen

    How to Enter Zero Credit (Content Requirement Fulfillment)

    The following steps outline how to add a zero credit course for content requirement fulfillment. This entry will appear on a student's transcript and GSTS Advisement Report.

    1. Complete the steps outlined in the "How to Enter Graduate Transfer Credit Using 'Add Course' (UW Madison Courses").
    2. An additional question will appear on the Add Prior Coursework screen to confirm the zero credit entry. Select the "Yes" radio button to confirm the zero credit entry. 

      Note that the second question about the course counting towards the 50% Graduate Coursework Requirement is automatically answered "no".
      prior coursework confirmation
    3. Verify the information entered and click Save once the entry is complete. 
      Zero credit entry save screen
    4. Review the entry for accuracy. To edit the entry, click on the Pencil icon in the Actions column. Make note of the second to last column (Exported to SIS?), this indicates a successful transfer of data into SIS. This means that the course will now show up on the student's transcript and GSTS Advisement Report.
      completed entry

    graduate transfer credits, prior coursework, add course, transfer credit, how to enter transfer credit, zero credit entry 
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    Lorena K. in Graduate School
    Graduate School