UW-Madison Google Workspace - View My Drive and shared drive storage usage

My Drive and shared drive use Google storage differently. Learn how to view storage usage and quota for My Drive and shared drive.

Compare how to view My Drive and Shared Drive storage usage and quota

My Drive and Shared Drive have their own independent storage quota. Files that you own and saved in My Drive will not count towards a Shared Drive's quota and files created by a Shared Drive will not count towards your My Drive quota.

My Drive

  1. Log in to the UW-Madison Google Workspace: UW-Madison Google Workspace - Log in

  2. Your My Drive storage will be displayed at the bottom of the navigation pane on the left.  To see a breakdown of files taking up storage, go to https://drive.google.com/drive/quota


Shared Drive

  1. Log in to the UW-Madison Google Workspace: UW-Madison Google Workspace - Log in

  2. Navigate to the Shared drives tab

    Shared Drive tab

  3. Select the Shared drive and click the Details button

    Shared Drive Selection

  4. The Shared drive storage will be displayed at the bottom of the Details window.



Keywordsgoogle workspace for education uw madison reshaping service quota full   Doc ID132440
OwnerUW-Madison Google WorkspaceGroupUW Google Apps
Created2023-10-31 19:30:07Updated2024-06-11 10:19:02
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Google Apps
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