NC-SARA / State Authorization Data Collection, Reporting, and Disclosures
UW–Madison is required to collect, maintain, and report data, as well as make disclosures, as part of its membership with the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). The regulations relate to the carrying out of distance education in multiple states and adhering to these requirements is a condition to receive Title IV federal financial aid funds. This set of KnowledgeBase documents details the regulations and the process/procedures members of the UW-Madison community must follow in order to remain compliant with the federal regulations.
NC-SARA Background
UW–Madison is required to collect, maintain, and report data, as well as make disclosures, as part of its institutional membership with the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA). The regulations relate to the carrying out of distance education in multiple states and adhering to these requirements is a condition to receive Title IV federal financial aid funds.
Data, Academic Planning & Institutional Research (DAPIR) works with UW–Madison’s schools and colleges, as well as multiple campus offices, to support campus-wide understanding of and compliance with these federal regulations. There are two very important components of the NC-SARA regulations:
- Annual reporting on out-of-state learning placements, and
- Disclosures about academic programs that lead to professional licensure or certification.