Incorrect Email or Phone in WiscAlerts

How to correct incorrect information in WiscAlerts

Attention: If you are looking to change your mobile number for WiscAlerts Text Messaging, see WiscAlerts Text Messaging FAQ. These instructions relate to changing your email address or desk phone.

The data displayed in the WiscAlerts module in the portal is sourced from UW-Madison's authoritative sources, UW-Madison Students, UW HR, UW Student HR, UW Hospitals and Clinics, UW Medical Foundation, and UW-Madison Affiliates (WARF, WiCell, WiSys, Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery, Morgridge Institute for Research, Wisconsin Alumni Association, State Historical Society, US Geological Survey, US Dairy Forage and many others) via Special Authorizations.

Unfortunately, there is no simple way to determine the source of an email address or phone number coming from one of those sources, and DoIT cannot simply correct the data. If you are or have been a student or employee of any of the above, you should contact the appropriate offices to correct the data:

UW Employees, Students and Student Employees
You should be able to request data be corrected through the Contact Information Module in the My UW-Madison portal, however, if you change it via the portal and it does not get corrected, or correct information already appears in the portal, contact your HR office to check to make sure that everything is OK.
UW-Madison Emeritus and Retirees
You should contact your former HR office and they can have it corrected.
UW Hospital and UW Medical Foundation Employees
You should contact your HR office to request the data be updated.
UW-Madison Affiliate Groups
You should contact your affiliate HR, or the UW-Madison department HR administration that authorized you, and they will be able to request the data be updated.

There is an overnight process that updates the data in WiscAlerts, and many of these processes are manual entry, dependent on HR personnel, so please wait at least a few days after checking all of your possible sources. If you have tried all of these without success, Contact the Help Desk to open a case for assistance, but be aware that unless there is a system error, we will only be able to help you determine the source of the bad data so that you can contact them and ask that it be corrected.