MyLA - Resources Accessed

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MyLA - Resources Accessed

This describes how students can use the Resources Accessed page in My Learning Analytics or MyLA, which is a learning analytics tool being piloted by selected courses and students.

Resources Accessed

Compare resources you’ve opened to resources your classmates have opened over a selected period of time. Select a performance range to see what students in that range have opened.

Which resources are popular?

Resources Accessed visualization - blue bars show content accessed, gray bars show unviewed items

In the Resources Accessed view you can check out which files, pages and other resources are accessed most often by your classmates. (More details about these filters are provided below.)

    1. The visualization shows which resources you've accessed (blue) and which you haven't (gray striped).
    2. If you haven't looked at a resource, you can click on the file name to open it up.
    3. Customize the list:
      • Select a time range - use the week slider to choose a date range.
      • Select a grade range - use the drop-down to compare with students at various grade ranges.
      • You can also set a preferred default for the grade ranking filter by checking the box to Remember my setting.
      • Select or deselect resource types (Files & Pages)
    4. Use the brush slider (on the right of the resource bars) to change the files that display.

NOTE: The visualization only displays pages and files in your Canvas course. Readings and files outside Canvas, like YouTube, are not included.

Using Resources Accessed - More Info

You can customize the display, use mouse overs for more information, or click on a file name to access a resource.

Select a Time Range

Slider bar with start and end weeks selected

The default view shows you what was accessed this week and last week. You can use the slider ends to change that time range. Move a slider and watch the list update below!

Select a Grade Range

grade filter for resources accessed by students

The chart defaults to show resources accessed by all students. You can use the drop-down to filter the list. Want to see what students with 90-100% in the course are accessing? Click that range in the drop-down. You can change the list of files to see what students in the 70-79%, 80-89%, or 90-100% ranking are reading.

Set your default setting for the grade range filter. Select a grade range from the drop-down, then save it by checking "Remember my setting." This filter will be automatically applied each time you return to the page. You can change your default at any time.

weekly slider - select weeks to view

Select a Type of Resource

select files or pages to view

The chart defaults to show available resource types in your course. You can use the checkboxes to filter the list. Check and uncheck files or pages to focus on the content  accessed during the selected time frame.

Select How Many Resources Display - Use the Brush Slider

Use the brush control on the right side of the chart to select how many of the resources display in the main visualization. Drag the bottom line down to see more. Drag it up to see fewer.

resources showing brush slider on the right side of the visualization

Hover Over Blue Bars

Mouse over a bar for a resource to get more information. If it's a resource you've accessed, then you can see how many times you viewed it and when you last viewed it.

hover over bar describes access

Click on the resource file name to access it

The resource names on the left are clickable links. Click on a file name to access it from your Canvas course.

click on name of resource to access


  • Instructors can choose which visualizations to use in their course.
  • Grades reflect current scores in Canvas. Your course may have additional assignments or rules that impact your grade. Always refer to your syllabus or other grade information provided by your instructor.
  • Data will not appear instantly; typically it will take 24 hours but there may be a lag of up to 72 hours between when Canvas activity occurred and when it will be visible in MyLA. (We are working to shorten this timing; there are multiple data sources and layers.)
  • MyLA does NOT work on mobile devices at this time; access it from laptops/desktops.
  • Here's a summary of the three visualizations (comparing the student view and the instructor view). 
  • Review the Frequently Asked Questions About My Learning Analytics (for students)


MyLA, visualization, student support, my learning analytics 
Doc ID:
Owned by:
Kari J. in Learning Analytics
Learn@UW Pilots