Positive Drug Screen - Missed MRO Calls

When a student’s positive drug screen is due to a prescription medication, the Medical Review Officer (MRO) will contact the student to provide documentation. Documentation must be provided to the MRO in order to report a negative drug screen to the program. If a student misses the calls from the MRO, a positive drug screen may be reported to the school. In order to correct this, the process below must be followed.
  • When a student does not respond to the MRO calls, a positive drug screen is uploaded to Exxat. The program is then notified by Exxat Approve of the result. 

  • The program must reach out to the student to inquire about the positive result (i.e. verify prescription medication or illicit drug use).
  • If on prescription medication, the student will need to contact the MRO to provide prescription documentation. The MRO phone number will be listed on the positive report in Exxat.

  • Once the student has notified the program that they have provided proof to MRO, the program will need to email Universal at ExxatCS@universalbackground.com to inform them that the student contacted the MRO and an updated copy of the drug screen report is needed.

  • The updated report will need to be pulled from the program’s Universal Account once ready. 

  • While the Drug Screen is in a “pending review” or “not approved” status, the program can upload the corrected report to Exxat by selecting the + under “Drug Screening Details”.
    View of drug screen details screen in Exxat

  • Once uploaded, the program will need to contact Exxat at v4support@exxat.com to have the positive report under “Universal Details” removed from the student account.

Contact Academic Affairs Compliance Specialist, Claire Forrester (ckforrester@wisc.edu) for assistance with this process. Students are encouraged to take all prescription medication documentation with them to the collection site. However, some sites may not be able to take documentation at the time of collection and the student will need to respond to the MRO when contacted.  

drug screen, 10-panel, MRO, medical review officer, prescription, medication, positive report 
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Claire F. in SMPH Academic Affairs Resource
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