What's involved in undertaking a remodeling project in L&S?

Overview of the process for L&S units undertaking remodeling projects, with links to relevant websites and forms.


Definition: The term "remodeling" is used to mean structural alterations to buildings that require multiple Physical Plant trade services, not maintenance (such as painting and minor repairs) of facilities. In considering requests for remodeling funds, however, we have some flexibility that might enable us to handle refurbishing or major painting, and we encourage departments to make these needs known to us. Contact Assistant Dean Chris Bruhn to discuss such requests.

Remodeling projects may be initiated in two ways. The more common, and recommended, method is for a department to include a request in response to a "remodeling exercise," in which the College has an opportunity to consider or propose projects for funding at the college or campus level. Opportunities to propose remodeling-both instructional and research-occur early in the fall semester. This schedule allows departments an opportunity to focus on their remodeling needs at one time without needing to be concerned about submitting a project request at the "right time" for the funding source. Departments may also request funding as an unexpected need arises and/or propose a remodeling project if departmental funding is already available. Occasionally an Instructional Laboratory Modernization (ILM) project request will have a remodeling component. The call for ILM projects occurs early in the fall semester as well. If an ILM project is funded with a remodeling component included, the Dean's Office will slot the project into the Physical Plant remodeling process. (More information about the ILM program is provided in the "What is the Instructional Laboratory Modernization (ILM) Program?" document .)

Regardless of when a remodeling project is submitted or how it is to be funded, a "Request for Remodeling Project" form must be filled out and submitted to Chris Bruhn to initiate the process. The Physical Plant Campus Renovation Services Office will not provide assessment services without a signed "Request for Remodeling Project and Cost Estimate". For more information about CRS, visit their website.  The one exception is simple trade jobs.  In other words, if you have a project that involves only one Physical Plant trade (painting, plumbing, etc.) you may simply call 263-3333 to set up a work order.

Departments will work with the CRS within Physical Plant in carrying out remodeling projects. CRS is charged with balancing the needs and expectations of the UW-Madison community and those of the State Division of Facilities Development (DFD) for improved design and construction services of small remodeling projects. CRS's primary objectives are to establish a responsive, consistent and cost-effective delivery system for remodeling projects; to meet DFD's accountability expectations; to minimize the backlog of remodeling project requests awaiting FP&M services; and to increase customer involvement and communication. This process has greatly reduced the backlog of deferred maintenance over the past five years.

The project dollar limit for CRS is $185,000.  Projects that cost more than $185K and are not funded 100% with gift funds must go through a separate approved process.  Please contact Chris Bruhn for more information.

Projects require administrative review at the College level and consideration by Physical Plant. Physical Plant considers the feasibility of the project, including both architectural and engineering reviews, which can be quite time-consuming even if funds are available.

More information about remodeling procedures can be found at https://smo.fpm.wisc.edu/srpc/ .

Funding Sources

Funding for "under-$30,000" projects may come from the following sources:

  • Indirect cost funding usually provided annually to the College some months after the campus indirect cost exercise. The College allocates a portion of this funding to help meet important needs identified but not funded in #1 above.
  • The ILM program as part of grant submission.

The SRPC also provides funding through two distinct programs for general assignment classroom remodeling projects, proposed by the Space Management Office (SMO), in this exercise. The first is for classroom remodeling, which is intended to provide nuts and bolts improvements (lighting, seats, floors, etc.) to general assignment classrooms. The second is for classroom modernization, which is primarily an instructional equipment upgrade opportunity, although minor remodeling can be included in a comprehensive classroom upgrade. Requests for classroom improvements through these funding opportunities are invited in the fall semester as well.

Procedure for Proposing Remodeling Projects

The procedure for proposing a remodeling project at any time of the year follows.

  1. A department faculty or staff member identifies a need for remodeling and fills out Section I of the project request form. This section asks for basic descriptive information about the project and explanation of the need along with any special requirements like construction timing, completion date and funding restrictions. The Department chair must authorize this proposal before Step 2) occurs.
  2. The completed form is then sent by the department to the Dean's Office for review and completion of section II. Our office establishes a project priority (high/medium/low) relative to the other projects submitted, as well as available funding, and forwards the completed form to CRS with one of three actions requested: a general scope and definition of the project from CRS's perspective (a broad summary); a full project assessment including architectural/engineering analysis and cost estimate; or an analysis of the project feasibility and preparation of design documents (for projects where funding is already in hand or extremely likely) to move the project toward construction.
  3. Depending on the action requested in section II, CRS then completes the step requested by the Dean's Office and provides the appropriate materials. Our office will then make a decision about funding at the appropriate time and discuss the future of the project with the department. Funded projects will then move to the design stage and later to construction. A project coordinator from CRS will be assigned to each project and manage it through all steps in the process, from initiation to funding closeout.

This is an iterative process that requires input from CRS, the Dean's Office, and the department. Requests for current project status and specific procedural questions or queries about background information should be directed to Chris Bruhn.

We encourage departments to keep us informed and up to date concerning their remodeling needs. It is often a very long time between the request for a project and its eventual funding, and some projects never achieve high enough priority to receive scarce remodeling funds. However, since opportunity sometimes comes on an unscheduled basis if we are in a position to move quickly, our awareness of your needs is important. Special funds may become available on an unscheduled basis, so keeping us informed is helpful. It is also important for you to work with CRS soon after funding is approved for a project. Please monitor the progress of your project to ensure an accurate and timely completion. Delays in your project can result in higher costs and account expiration problems. Please contact Chris Bruhn if you anticipate problems in these areas.

Keywordsfacilities, remodeling, FP&M, physical plant, campus renovation services   Doc ID21810
OwnerChris B.GroupL&S KB
Created2011-12-16 18:15:26Updated2024-02-12 15:54:31
SitesL&S KB
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