Student Assistants

Titles in the Student Assistant title group are used for graduate students who: hold a fellowship, scholarship or traineeship; hold an appointment which is intended primarily to further the education and training of the student; are employed to assist with research training or other academic programs or projects; and/or have been assigned teaching responsibilities in an instructional department under the supervision of a faculty member.

In addition, Student Assistant titles are available to undergraduate students when: no qualified graduate student is available to perform a function that would normally be assigned to graduate students (i.e., Undergraduate Assistant - requires advance approval of the dean); or when the terms of a supporting grant or contract preclude the use of other normally appropriate titles (Undergraduate Intern).

SOURCE: Office of Human Resources, UW-Madison Unclassified Title Guideline; Summary of Unclassified Appointment Types

Keywordsgrad student, graduate student, fellowship, scholarship, trainee, research training, graduate assistant   Doc ID21884
OwnerLisa T.GroupL&S KB
Created2011-12-20 16:05:33Updated2024-07-22 09:55:21
SitesL&S KB
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