Alcohol Beverages - L&S

Alcohol Beverage guidance and process specifically for the College of Letters and Science.





Michele Gundrum is the Approving Sponsor for the Alcohol Beverage Service Permit for L&S.  Please enter as the email address for the Approving Sponsor.

Responsible Employees and Approving Sponsors are required to read the UW-Madison Specific Alcohol Beverage Regulations Policy UW-6003

Helpful Guidance
  • Please do NOT submit alcohol permit requests to Dean Wilcots or others in L&S Administration. Doing so may delay your request.
  • UHS requests that requests are submitted two weeks in advance of the event to allow for sufficient processing time for full approval including UHS approval.
  • The event must be attended by no more than 150 people. Individuals interested in hosting larger and/or longer events should contact an on-campus or off-campus caterer for arrangements.  
  • Events held at venues such as the Rathskeller or Terrace where alcohol is purchased by somebody other that the person who will consume it must have an alcohol permit.
Alcohol Beverage Permit Checklist
  • One responsible employee for the first 50 attendees. One additional responsible employee for each additional 25 attendees.
  • No more than 150 attendees
  • Food and non-alcohol beverages must be available
  • Appropriate size clear plastic cups available, 8 oz. for serving wine. Beer served in individual cans or bottles no larger than 12 oz.; No other alcohol beverages will be offered.
  • Alcohol beverages are not consumed prior to 4:30pm on weekdays.
  • Responsible Employee requirements:
    • Employee with a faculty, limited, academic staff or university staff appointment who is age 21 or over (or a graduate or professional student for events hosted by and for graduate and professional students).
    • Read and follow the campus alcohol policy.
    • Sign Alcohol Beverage Service Permit
    • Agrees to perform responsible duties including to:
      • Remain present at all times during the event
      • Ensure the conditions of the permit are followed
      • Ensure intoxicated individuals do not consume alcohol
      • Prevent consumption by individuals below the Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA)
      • Maintain control of the alcohol beverages at all times and secure them at the conclusion of the event.
    • Agrees not to consume alcohol during event
  • Procedures in place to prevent consumption of alcohol beverages by persons below the MLDA
    • All attendees are above the MLDA, or
    • ID checked for all attendees below 30 and wristbands/name tags used to indicate age.
  • UW-Madison Alcohol Beverage Responsibility Sign must be displayed.

Alcohol, beverages, receptions, meals 
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Michele G. in L&S KB