Manifest - Send Email Invitations

Members can be added to Manifest groups either directly by NetID, or indirectly using email invitations. When an invitee accepts an email invitation to join a group, Manifest will automatically add the person to the group.

Sending Invitations

  1. Log into the Manifest service at
  2. The Groups I Manage and Groups I Administer tabs show the groups that you currently manage. If no groups appear it's because you don't have the privileges on any groups.
  3. Click on Details by the group you're sending invitations from.
  4. Click the Invitations tab. Click + Send Invitations. A text box appears where you can enter the email addresses of people you wish to invite, separated by commas or line breaks.
  5. When finished adding email addresses click Add Emails. A list of the email addresses will appear below; entries not in email format will disappear.
  6. Click the Save button to send invitations to the listed emails. A confirmation list will appear, indicating that each invitation was sent.

Existing Invitation Options

  • Resend: You can resend any invitations that have a status of Pending, Expired, or Declined. When you find the invitation you wish to resend, click Resend for that entry. The resent invitation will disappear from the status list that it had been in and appear in the Pending status list.
  • Cancel: You can cancel any invitations that have a status of Pending. When you find the invitation you wish to cancel, click Cancel for that entry. The canceled invitation will disappear from the Pending list and appear in the Canceled list.

Accepted Invitations

The new NetID is entered into the group members list automatically when the invite is accepted and the NetID activated.

For status definitions, refer to Manifest - Invitation Status Definitions

Keywordsenterprise groups manage admin netid group grouping gams revoke admin privileges add manager invite email invitation cancel resend   Doc ID27789
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2012-12-17 12:34:14Updated2022-05-25 15:15:04
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management, Learn@UW-Madison
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