SIS/Grading - View Grade Roster/Control List


This document explains how to view your department's grade control list and view grade rosters through SIS.


You must have the proper SIS access (SR_IGRD) in order to view a grade roster or your department grade control list. If you do not have access, go to the SIS page and  request SR_IGRD on the SIS Authorization Form.

Viewing the Grade Control List

The Grade Control List displays the status of grade entry for every course section within your teaching subject for a specified term.

To view the Grade Control List for your subject, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Student Records WorkCenter Grade Control List. The U_SR_GRADE_CNTRL_LIST Grade Control List query prompts display.
  2. Enter the Term number and Subject Area number.

    The Grade Control List query screen

  3. Click "View Results." You will then see the Grade Control List.

    The results of a Grade Control List query

Grade Roster Status and Dates:

  • "Ready for Grading" with no Posting Date or Submit Date means grades still need to be entered for this section and submitted to the Registrar.  
  • Review the "Missing Grades" count:
    • If the number is zero, all grades have been entered and saved; you will need to submit them.
    • If the number of missing grades matches the number in the "Class Count" field, no grades have been entered.
    • If the number of missing grades is between one and the number in the "Class Count" field, not all grades have been entered.
  • "Submit to Registrar" with only a Submit Date means all grades have been entered and submitted to the Registrar on the Submit Date. They are pending posting by the Registrar.
  • "Submit to Registrar" with both a Posting Date and a Submit Date means the grades were submitted on the Submit Date and the grades were posted by the Registrar on the Posting Date.

Tip: Select the "Class Nbr" link to jump to the Grade Roster Inquiry query to view specific students and their grades in that section.

Viewing the Grade Roster

In order to view a specific grade roster, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to > Curriculum Management > Grading > Grade Roster. You will see the "Grade Roster" find page.
  2. Use the "Find" page to search for the desired course section.

    The Grade Roster find page. Red circles surround the phrases "posted" and "Approval Status: Submit to Registrar."

Grade Roster Status:

  • "Ready for Grading" means grades still need to be entered for this section.

    The Grade Roster page. A red circle surrounds the words "Approval Status: Ready for Grading."

  • "Submit to Registrar" means all grades have been entered and they are pending posting by the Registrar.
  • "Posted" means the grades have been officially posted by the Registrar.