ASA Document 223. Proposed Modification of DRC Procedures

ASA Document #223

May 11, 1998

Modification of DRC Procedures


Since the Districting and Representation Committee (DRC) was organized in 1994, it has allowed a representative to remain in his or her original district indefinitely, even when changes in the representative's title, department affiliation, or location would have otherwise dictated moving the person.

The DRC adopted this policy because it did not want to discourage anyone from participating in governance, and the DRC still believes this is important. But, after the DRC reviewed this policy, it decided that time limits were needed on this policy to insure that the interests of that district=s constituents could be actively represented. Accordingly, we are proposing the following procedure.

Proposed DRC Policy

When an Assembly representative has a change in title, departmental affiliation or location that requires moving that representative to a new district, the Districting and Representation Committee will take the following steps.

1. A DRC member will contact the representative to confirm the change and ascertain whether the district change is indeed required.

2. If the DRC determines that moving the representative is warranted, then, before making that decision, a DRC member will discuss the situation with the representative, presenting the two following options.

Option 1
The representative may move to the new district and notify the Secretary of the Academic Staff that his district needs a new representative. Whenever possible, the representative will suggest possible candidates who remain in the old district for the position.

Option 2
The representative may continue representing that district for one year or until the next election, whichever is later. During this transition period, the representative will continue to represent the interests of the district and will search for candidates to become the future Assembly representative at the end of the transition period.

KeywordsASA Document 223   Doc ID34005
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2013-09-25 11:48:54Updated2020-07-13 15:38:38
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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