Business Analysis: Visual Tools Used to Understand Business Requirements
Visual Tools Used to Understand Business Requirements
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- Download a copy of the Quick Guide to BPMN symbols (PDF)
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Quick Guide to BPMN Symbols (PDF)
Printable summary of all symbols that make up BPMN diagrams.
Business Analysis Wiki
Provides a wealth of additional resources aimed at increasing the awareness of business analysis and its value to projects - technical and non-technical.
Seeing a Process: The Power of Visual Analysis (PDF)
Abstract: "As many process modelers discover, the very act of trying to build a process model can be very revealing about the quality of that process' design and performance. Points of confusion that come up while building the process model often serve to reveal issues not with the model but with the design of the process itself."
A Process Flow for developing Process Flows (PDF)
How might process modeling best be used in the context of a project designed to develop a set of process flows? This two-page Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) diagram describes the steps which were used in several successful projects of this type. The diagram also includes business rules as guidance in the practice of developing process flows.
Courses / Trainings
Developing Use Cases and Process Models
3 day course offered by the Center for Professional & Executive Development.
Business Analysis Professional Development Certificate Program
This certificate series covers the overall process of business analysis, where and how it fits in the project life cycle, and the business context. Courses address real-world problems that business analysts face, demonstrate how to use business analyst techniques and tools, and use exercises to enhance the transfer of knowledge back to the participant's workplace.
Connect with an Expert
Ready to learn more?
Consider the Business Analysis professional development certificate program from the Center of Professional & Executive Development

Joe Goss |
(608) 265-0653
Senior Business Analyst & Project Manager
Division of Information Technology (DoIT)
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Scott Converse |
(608) 441-7342
Director of Project Management, Six Sigma, and Business Analysis
Center for Professional and Executive Development
University of Wisconsin-Madison