FIDO: fido.cgi alarm table information

FIDO: fido.cgi alarm table information

FIDO: Use of colors in FIDO web applications

column description
Date: displays the start date for the object in question.  For recurring items, will also tell you when the item began alarming.  See: FIDO: Recurring items and comment stickiness
Source: See: [Link for document 98158 is unavailable at this time]
Name: Name of the failed object. If correlation is enabled and the object has downstream correlated objects, a hyperlink to display the objects correlated to this object will be shown along with a count of affected items.  See FIDO: Correlation and FIDO: Correlated item count .  If suppression is enabled, a description of how many items were kept out of the report will be shown. For more information about suppression, see FIDO: Object Suppression. If 'narrow' mode is configured, mouseover of the item may show useful data.
Info: This column will be hidden if 'narrow' is enabled. It can contain useful textual information about the object
State: This column will show the state of the current object
Help: The column header is a link to the FIDO documentation. Per row hyperlinks are used to show useful information related to the test.
Comments: The column header will select ALL items currently visible given the filtering parameters and will include any downstream correlated objects. If an item is uncommented, a '*' will appear. Otherwise, the user supplied comment will be shown. A mouseover of the comment will show who and when the item was commented. Clicking the comment will allow the user to change the comment for this item and any items directly related to the object in question. If a comment includes a clarify case, a hyperlink will be created with the name of 'case'. If the comment includes a hyperlink itself, a hyperlink with the name of 'link' will be created. If comment correlation is enabled and multiple items have this comment, a hyperlink to display items with the same comment will be shown.

If the comment has expired, the comment cell for the relevant row will be grey in color.

Alarm Sort Order

Before 2014/02/27, alarms were sorted purely by alarm start time.  A recurring alarm start time was considered to be the start time of the most recent invocation.

As of 2014/02/27, the default FIDO alarm sort order is as follows.

note: Recurring alarms are sorted as if their start time were their first start time the alarm happened.  Inside each priority level, alarms are sorted in descending start time order.

1) STALE tests (not to be confused with STALE alarms) are given highest priority
2) Uncommented alarms are given second highest priority and are sorted by impact.
3) Uncommented holddown alarms and given third priority
4) commented alarms are given fourth priority
5) commented holddown alarms are given fifth priority

The sort order can be toggled with the 'plain_sort' option.