JEMS Hire - Introduction to System

Introduction to JEMS Hire.

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Procedure At–a–Glance

Category: Academic Staff (AS), Faculty (FA), Limited Appointees (LI), University Staff (CP, CJ), Temporary Employees (CL), Student Assistants (SA), Post Degree in Training (ET), Other (OT).
Audience: Department and Division staff who enter appointments
Overarching Process: Hiring into AS, FA, LI, CP, CJ, CL, SA, ET, and OT appointments

Jump to Procedure Steps (below)
Jump to Related Policies/Job Aids (below)

General Description:

This Knowledge Base document provides an overview of the Job and Employee Management System (JEMS) Hire portal. It also provides details about functions/tabs that are used on any hire, rehire, transfers, or multiple hires made in the JEMS Hire portal.

Procedure Steps

Jems Hire Main Menu Screen 

Main Menu Screen

From this screen the following functions are available

  1. Click the Hire/Transfer button to start a new hire or transfer (used for transactions that do not require open recruitment or have approved waivers).
  2. Click the Summer Hire button to create a summer session/service appointment for a currently active C-Basis employee who will be on a "Short Work Break" from their academic year appointment.
  3. Click the Multi Hire button to hire multiple employees into a position with the exact same job attributes
  4. Click the My New Hire Basket button to see the Hire/Transfer employee records requiring review or to complete hire transactions that required open recruitment.
  5. Click the Multi Hire Search button to return to a multi-hire transaction to later add hires
  6. Exit out of the System

JEMS System Search - Quick Search Tab

When you click the My New Hire Basket button, the below screen appears.

Jems Hire Quick Search tab in Search screen

  • The first time you log in to the JEMS HIRE portal, a default search profile is set up. The default is composed of the assigned Department/Division authorization with the 'Current Status" of 'Draft'. This default it also loaded into the Quick Search Criteria and will automatically populate any records in this status. If there are no records in this status, the following message appears: 'No Records Were Found'.
  • To change the default, click the Change My Profile button (middle of screen) and update.
  • The first tab on the User Profile screen stores the default into the 'My Basket' default criteria (example below). See 'Helpful Hints' below for suggestions on recommended settings.

User profile screen in quick search tab

Helpful Hints:

  • Department Level Staff - Set the 'Current Status' to default to <Blank> to see all department employees that are in JEMS Hire in various statuses.
  • Division Level Staff - Set the Current Status to default to <Department Approved> to see what is in your basket that needs review and approval.
  • The second tab on the User Profile screen stores contact data. This data can be used to populate fields on the HR Contact tab.

User profile screen Contact Information tab

JEMS System Search - Advanced Search Tabs

The Advanced Search function provides several additional criteria that can be used to locate JEMS Hire records. Search for records in more than one status by selecting multiple options in the Multiple Selection Criteria section.

Advanced search tab in Jems System Search screen

The Search Results can be viewed online or printed as a .pdf (Adobe Acrobat viewer required) or downloaded in spreadsheet format (Excel application required). This is done through the Print List button

Advanced search results tab in Jems system search screen

Find/Add Hire Tab

Find/Add Hire tab in Hire/Transfer Employee screen
  1. Fill in one or more of the fields (Empl ID, Name, SSN#) in the top search section.
  2. Click the Search button to search the system (searching in JEMS uses information from IADS, EPM and HRS).
  3. Check the Select box next to the person you would like to use (Review HRS - UW Multiple Jobs Summary to select correct person).
  4. Select the "Recruitment Type" and type the  PVL# (if applicable)
  5. Click Add Hire button.

HR Contact Tab

HR Contact tab

  • This tab stores information about one or more person(s) who may be contacted about the appointment (additional contacts can be listed).
  • Start by clicking the Add Contact button to add or modify the entry fields in the bottom portion of the screen.
  • Paid positions require a primary and funding contact.
  • Zero dollar positions require a primary contact.
List of fields and Descriptions for the HR Contact Tab
 Data  Description
 Contact Type (required)  Select primary (required on all appointments, funding (required on paid appointments), or additional)
 Last Name (required)  Last Name
 First Name (required)  First Name
 Phone  Phone (format - xxx-xxx-xxxx)
 Email Address  Primary contact email address
 Get My Contact Data  Defaulted information from Update my Profile screen

Comments Tab

Comments tab

Directions for the Comments Tab
 Function  Description/Instruction
 To Add Comment  Click the Add Comment button
 To Edit/View  Click the comment to update and click the Edit/View button
 To Delete Comment  Click the comment to delete and click the Delete Comment button (can only delete comments you created)

Status History Tab

Status history tab

The data on this tab is not modifiable. It displays the history of statuses that a particular hire has had. Anyone with update or view access can view the status history of the appointment. Statuses are shown in descending order.

Possible Statuses shown in workflow order:

  • Draft
  • Entered
  • Department Approved
  • Division Approved – Sent to HRS
  • Finished – Entered In HRS

Drop Down Menu - "Actions" and "Tools"

Dropdown Actions and Tools menus 


dropdown Actions menu

The <Actions> menu is used to change the status of the hire record. Grayed out statuses are unavailable to the user. REJECT will return the Hire record to the prior status. This does not send out an email to the previous person who submitted the hire transaction.


dropdown Tools menu  

  • Error Check Current Status -- use this selection to find any errors on the Hire record without changing the status
  • Error Check Next Status -- Each status has requirements for data completion. For example, there are data fields that must be completed before the record advances past Department level. In addition, there are data fields that must be completed by the Division before submission to HRS. Use this selection to find any errors one would encounter if trying to advance the status of the Hire record without requesting a status change.

Related Policies

Related Job Aids

Related HRS Knowledge Base Documents

Related Misc

Keywordsfind/add hire tab,HR contact tab,comment tab,status history tab, JEMS hire rehire   Doc ID38920
OwnerCaitlin R.GroupHR COP
Created2014-04-02 08:48:14Updated2024-06-24 17:01:40
SitesHR Communities of Practice, UW–Shared Services
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