L&S Annual Call for Major/Program Student Learning/Assessment Reports

Every year, departments and programs are required to submit reports discussing their efforts to evaluate students' attainment of program-wide learning outcomes, to analyze results of those efforts, or to enact changes (if necessary) based on what they learned through those efforts.

Annual Student Learning Assessment Plans and Reports

Each year, the Office of the Provost issues a request to all Department Chairs, Academic Program Directors, and Directors of Graduate Programs and Graduate Program Coordinators seeking submission of Annual Student Learning Assessment Reports, usually due at the end of the Fall term.  
For more information, please see:
Contact Information:
L&S: Associate Dean Elaine M. Klein
UW-Madison Assessment Coordinator: Regina Lowery, regina.lowery@wisc.edu 608-890-2973

Keywordsassessment plan, assessment report, student learning, AEFIS   Doc ID39479
OwnerElaine K.GroupL&S KB
Created2014-04-23 21:11:02Updated2023-07-06 13:18:15
SitesL&S KB
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