InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Recorded Presentations - Sharing a Camtasia Project File (Windows)

Instructions on how to export a Camtasia project file to Box using Windows.
These steps are for those that will need help in producing and exporting their presentation videos recorded with Camtasia for Windows. The first step is to make sure to save the files in the way that will allow them to be shared, which is discussed below.

To create a zipped project file:
1. In Camtasia for Windows, select File Export as Zip.
File --> Export as Zip
2. Click on the Folder icon to select a location to save the zip file.
Browse locations
3. Select an appropriate location and click Save.
4. Make sure to leave the "Include all files from Media Bin in zip" option checked to include a copy of all media files in the Media Bin within the zip file.
5. Click OK.
Save zip file
Now the resulting zip file can be uploaded to your Box course development folder, allowing the InterPro LDT team to have access to produce the Camtasia project file into a finalized MP4 video.
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