WiscIT Widget - Gauges

This document covers how to create a simple Gauge Widget in the WiscIT Cherwell Client

What is a Gauge Widget?

activitygauge.pngText Gauge
Examples of Gauges being used in a dashboard

Dashboards can contain gauges that dynamically update to show details about the number of business objects. Gauges come in many different forms, from being able to display a linear chart, to a simple text value that you can double click on to view records. Gauges, along with Search Results Lists, make up a critical part of displaying information on a dashboard.

Gauge widgets can be used for:

  • Showing an open number of incidents or problems for a specific team or individual
  • Showing the activity level of a team
  • Providing a way for technologists to drill down and easily view data

Creating a Gauge Widget

Example of a blank gauge configuration
Example of the gauge configuration window

To create a simple Gauge widget, you'll need to follow these steps:

  1. Create a new widget that can be edited. For more information on this, see WiscIT - Dashboard Overview.
  2. Name: Set the name of the widget as it will appear in the Widget Manager. This does not display on the dashboard.
  3. Type: This is the type of widget that you're configuring. Make sure "Gauge" is selected.
  4. Gauge Type: This option sets which type of gauge to display. Some common types are "Horizontal linear gauge" and "Text". Different gauge types will have a slightly different configuration, but most follow the concept of displaying a number of records.
  5. Default Title: This is the title used when the widget is used in a dashboard. It does not necessarily have to match the contents of the "Name" field. You do not have to assign a Default Title for a Gauge.
  6. Business Object: Use this to decide what Business Object is used by the gauge widget. Check the "Show All" checkbox to see all the possible business objects to use.
  7. Criteria: A pre-made or custom search can be used to draw data for the gauge. The ellipsis button opens the Search Manager for a pre-made search and the magnifying glass opens the Custom Query window. See [Link for document 46175 is unavailable at this time] if needed.

Once these options have been configured, click "OK" at the bottom of the window. The widget is now ready to be placed in a dashboard!

See WiscIT - Creating a New Dashboard for instructions on creating a new dashboard with this widget or see WiscIT - Using the Dashboard Editor for help with adding this widget to an existing dashboard.