Mid-term Assignment: Creative Writing - Fictional Short Story

This midterm has been designed to help you "tie" togehter topics covered in the first part of the class in a complelling, orginial and creative (fictional) "story". Creative Writing has a narrow and a broad definition, which may be widely encompassing of different kinds of writing style. Our mid-term exercise may be better described as "Fictional Short Story".  

The midterm essay should be longer than your previous essays. The midterm should be 600-800 words 

Complete Instructions:
  • Please download this 472 MidTerm Guide & Instructions, which includes additional details about the background as well as the grading rubrics that you can used as a guide in preparing your submission;
  • When ready please upload your document (Microsoft Word or pdf) in the course website dropbox;
  • Deadline is on the Syllabus page.

Additional Resources:
  • This assignment is an individual effort. Feel free to share ideas with your classmates, but once you settle on a project, you have to carry it out on your own;
  • Feel free to use the library resources including the free to download images including agricultural-related images, if necessary;
  • Make sure your cite important statements and make sure to list each citation in your reference list with proper format. The reference list for book chapter, scientific articles, and websites should be formatted according to the authors' guidelines for the Journal of Dairy Science (see pages 4 and 5). For Newspaper or trade magazine articles without clear volume and page numbers, you can use this generic format: Author(s). Year. Title. Name of Publication (Day/month/year of publication).
  • Save your document as a MS word or pdf format before submission;

  • Please have a look at the following three examples of midterms of contrasting quality, submitted by students of earlier years:
    • Amazing (Above expectation). This student created a Newsletter promoting export of US dairy genetics to developing countries and a response (in the form of the letter) to the CEO of the fictional company; See Example-1-Excellent.pdf
    • Meet Expectations. This student created a fictional personal journal of a Peace Corps volunteer in Nepal; See Example-2-Nice.pdf
    • Below expectation. This student wrote a letter trying to follow the instructions without much creativity or originality at all; See Example-3-Poor.pdf

Best of luck!

midterm mid-term 
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Owned by:
Michel W. in Animal Agriculture &
Sustainable Develop.
DS 472 Agriculture Sustainable Development