CCI Private Cloud - Creating a Virtual Machine
This document details the process for creating a VM in the CCI Private Cloud environment.
Portal - Login Information
- Open the CCI Private Cloud Portal -
- The CCI Private Cloud Portal can only be accessed from devices with a Well-known UW-Madison Campus IP address ranges and hosts, WiscVPN - Departmental VPN or WiscVPN - Overview must be used to access the CCI Private Cloud Portal from an off-campus connection.
- If prompted to Select your domain:, select from the pull-down and click on Next.
- Log in using your netid as your username. If is not listed as the domain beneath the password prompt, click on Sign in to a different domain and go back to step 2.
- Select Service Broker > Catalog tab
- Request a VM from one of the provided templates
- Linux
- Windows
- You will be presented with a New Request screen, choose the following details:
- Project: this should be filled out by default
- Deployments Name: This is a friendly name that will be displayed under Resources > Deployments (can be changed later)
- Data Center: DET or OneNeck
- To request a VM be hosted at another site after creation, see CCI Private Cloud - Moving an Existing VM to another Data Center
- OS Type:
- Admin/Root Password: Enter the initial Administrator or root password for the VM. This temporary password should be in compliance with the Campus Password Standard and should be securely recorded as it will be required for CCI Private Cloud - Logging In to a Virtual Machine for the First Time
- Number CPUs:
- VLAN 1: (VLANs available to your project will automatically be populated)
- Answer the data classification questions: Does this VM access, process, or store...?
- Additional details on the data classification process can be found at CCI Private Cloud - Data Elements Allowed in CCI Private Cloud
- Additional details on the data classification process can be found at CCI Private Cloud - Data Elements Allowed in CCI Private Cloud
- Click on Submit to start the VM provisioning process. "The request has been submitted successfully." should be displayed
- To view the progress of the provisioning, switch to the Resources tab > Deployments
- Note that provisioning a VM generally takes a few minutes, but can vary.
- See CCI Private Cloud - Logging In to a Virtual Machine for the First Time for details on logging in to the VM for the first time
Incident Reporting & Technical Support
CCI Private Cloud Incident Reporting
- Customers should contact the DoIT Help Desk to report an incident or check the outages page for an CCI Private Cloud incident.
- Formal support is provided for CCI Private Cloud during business hours only. After-hours support is best effort.
CCI Private Cloud Technical Support
- Customers should contact the DoIT Help Desk or email with support requests.
- CCI Private Cloud technologists will respond to all support requests by the end of the following business day.