1-Day Joint Annual Meeting 2013 Workshop

Ag-Hall past Dairy Science Student with Jersey cattle Student in the lab Students studying abroad Students video conferencing Ag-Hall future

Teaching and Learning in the Animal Sciences
Challenging Old Assumptions and Break New Ground for the 21st Century
A Workshop of the Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) and the American Society of Animal Sciences (ASAS) 
Monday July 8, 2013
Indianapolis Convention Center, Room 105-106

Note: This workshop is an extension of the June 2012 Teaching and Learning Conference held in Madison, WI.
  • To reconsider your teaching in order to operate at the forefront of ideas in college education.
  • To gain insights into how to improve student's experiences in animal sciences classrooms and across the curriculum.
  • To learn and discuss the knowledge, skills and experiences needed to equip students for the 21st century.

The workshop has been designed for a diverse audience including instructors and administrators from Doctoral/Research, Master's, Baccalaureate and minority-serving institutions, Ph.D. students or Post-docs interested in academic careers, and other stakeholders including educational researchers and employers.

The workshop will be limited to the first 100 participants. Included with the workshop fee ($85, reduced fee of $65 for the first 10 Ph.D. students or Post-doc) are all sessions, continental breakfast, lunch, breaks and conference materials.
For the latest registration information as well as housing, travel and other meeting related details go to http://www.jtmtg.org/2013. 
Joint Annual Meeting (JAM) registration hours are Sunday from 3:00 - 5:00 PM an again on Monday beginning at 7:00 AM in the Indianapolis Convention Center, Hall A-B lobby. Please pick up your JAM registration materials before coming to the workshop Monday morning. Your ticket for the workshop is in your registration packet, as is your name badge. 

Keynote speakers will provide insights and set the stage for break-out sessions for sessions I and III. Session II will take place during lunch:
  • 7:30 am: Continental Breakfast
  • 8:00 am: Introductions and workshop oritentation (Jean Bertrand, University of Georgia)
  • 8:10 am: Survey of participants: Views and perceptions on teaching and learning in the animal sciences in institutions of higher education
  • 8:25 am Session I: How to incorporate "High Impact Practices" (HIP) in the Animal Sciences Curriculum.
    • Introduction (David Buchanan, North Dakota State University)
    • 8:30 am: Invited presentation: Noelle Cockett (Utah State University) and David Buchanan (North Dakota State University)
    • 9:10 am: Q&A / Discussion
  • 9:20 am: Orientation to breakout session (Larry Miller; ADSA Discover Conf.) 
  • 9:30 am: Breakout sessions: Remodeling the curriculum with out-of-classroom activities and experiences
    • Break out 1: Undergraduate research (Barry Bradford, Kansas State University)
    • Break out 2: Lab courses & farm labs (Olga Bolden-Tiller, Tuskegee University)
    • Break out 3: Internships & study abroad (Matthew Wilson, West Virgina University)
    • Break out 4: Communication skills (Ashley Driver, Cincinnati, OH)
    • Break out 5: Service learning (Erika Berg, North Dakota State University)
    • Break out 6: Capstone experiences (Robert Coleman, University of Kentucky)
  • 10:30 am: Return to plenary session
  • 10:45 am: Reports of breakout groups and discussion (6 groups x 12.5 min. per group)

  • 12:00 pm: Lunch (buffet).
  • 12:30 pm: Session II: Current views of animal sciences instructors - Results of a nationwide survey.
    • Invited presentation: Michel Wattiaux and Peter Crump (University of Wisconsin)
    • 1:00 pm: Q&A / Discussion
    • 1:10 pm: Short break

  • 1:15 pm Session III: How to incorporate HIP-like practices in animal sciences classrooms.
    • Introduction (Jean Bertrand, University of Georgia)
    • 1:20 pm: Invited presentation: Debra Aaron and Carrie Tilghman (University of Kentucky)
    • 2:00 pm: Q&A / Discussion
  • 2:10 pm: Orientation to breakout session (Larry Miller; ADSA Discover Conf.) 
  • 2:15 pm: Breakout sessions: Including active learning practices in lecture-based courses: What to do instead of— or to substitute for part of — a 50 min. powerpoint lecture.
    • Break out 1: Introductory and issue courses (Ronald Kensinger, The Ohio State University)
    • Break out 2: Genetics courses (Catherine Ernst, Michigan State University)
    • Break out 3: Nutrition courses (Antonio Fasciola, University of Nevada)
    • Break out 4: Management courses (Jennifer Bormann, Kansas State University)
    • Break out 5: Physiology courses (John Parrish, University of Wisconsin)
  • 3:15 pm: Return to plenary session
  • 3:20 pm: Reports of breakout groups and discussion (5 groups x 12.5 min. per group)
  • 4:20: S-PAC for the classroom (Ken Olson)
  • 4:25 pm: Workshop evaluation
  • 4:40 pm: Wrap-up and next steps


The download page includes:
  • video recording of invited presentations.
  • Powerpoint pf the invited presentations. 

 Dr. Michel Wattiaux, UW-Madison (Co-Chair), Dr. Jean Bertrand, University of Georgia (Co-chair); Sandy Bertics, UW-Madison, Dr. Dave Buchanan, North Dakota State University; Dr. Hasan Khatib, UW-Madison; Dr. Larry Miller, ADSA Discover Conferences; Dr. David Thomas, UW-Madison; Molly Kelley, ADSA Discover Conferences.

ACKNOWLEDGMENT: This workshop has been made possible in part by a USDA-HEC grant (NIFA Award #: 2011-38411-30559).

Animal Sciences Teaching and Learning Conference Info Page 
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