PDRC Agenda 08/14/2015

Agenda for the august meeting

PDRC Meeting Agenda

Friday, August 14, 2015

9:00 - 10:00 am


__Jeff Armstrong: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

__Jeffrey Bohrer: jeff.bohrer@wisc.edu

__Nick Ewoldt: nick.ewoldt@wisc.edu

__Jay Ford: jhfordii@wisc.edu


__Stephanie Jones: SGJONES2@WISC.EDU

__Stephanie Kutz: skutz@fpm.wisc.edu

__John Klatt: john.klatt@wisc.edu

__Christine Lupton: christine.lupton@wisc.edu

__Alison Rice: alison.rice@wisc.edu

__Matthew Vieth:  matt.vieth@wisc.edu


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for April 2015


Standing subcommittee reports

1.  PD Grants: Amy/Stephanie J.         

            -Award recipient post-activity reporting update

2. Awards: Jeff B./John

3. Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison

            -Update on policy on prior awardees applying again (similar criteria as for grants?)


Committee business

1. New Members: Matthew Vieth; Amy McIlvaine

2. Website update: will meet in late August; update to committee September

3. Update:  Edits to email sent to prior year’s Excellence Award nominators


4. Note:


a.       No quorum met in May

b.      07/29/2015 email from Heather Daniels: collaboration around professional development and division of continuing studies

c.       April 26, 2016 Academic Staff excellence Awards Reception