Purchasing Pages for CAE Printing
In order to print on a CAE printer, you must either have a balance on your CAE PaperCut account, or have a WisCard with a balance on it. For most CAE users, the Papercut account will only show a non-zero balance if you have been refunded print quota.
Please note that the balance shown in the PaperCut widget on your CAE desktop will display the COMBINED balance of your WisCard and PaperCut account. So if you have $43.15 on your WisCard, and $2 in PaperCut credit, your balance will show as $45.15 in the widget. If you had no PaperCut balance, your balance would show as $43.15 in the widget.
You can check your PaperCut balance here: papercut.engr.wisc.edu
and your WisCard balance by logging in here: wiscard.wisc.edu
Cost of Printing at CAE:
$0.07 per black&white page or $0.05 per side for duplex
$0.60 per color page
$1.80 per linear foot on plotter printers