In ruminant nutrion, metabolizable protein, often abbreviated MP, is the amount of digestible protein that reach the small intestine, which is the source of amino acids absorbed into the blood. The three main sources of MP include rumen undegraded protein (the dietary protein fraction that has not been degraded in the rumen), the microbial (bacterial) protein synthesized in the rumen from the fermentation process, and the endogenous protein (intestinal digestive enzymes and sloughed cells from the gastro-intestinal tract). The latter source is minimal.

Keywords   Doc ID56404
OwnerAntonio A.GroupDS 414 Ruminant Nutrition
Created2015-09-16 10:20:49Updated2020-08-30 15:36:42
SitesDS 414 Ruminant Nutrition, DS 825 Ruminant Nutrition Physiology
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