Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL)

Particles that carry cholesterol and fat throughout the bloodstream. These particles are released from the liver into the bloodstream. They are similar to chylomicrons which originate from the gut because they both carry cholesterol and triglycerides which are gradually released in the bloodstream to be absorbed by body cells along the way. In the process of losing triglycerides, the VLDLs grow smaller and turn into LDLs (Low Density Lipoprotein) which have lost all their triglycerides.

Keywords   Doc ID56525
OwnerAntonio A.GroupDS 414 Ruminant Nutrition
Created2015-09-17 12:14:35Updated2020-08-30 15:38:08
SitesDS 414 Ruminant Nutrition, DS 825 Ruminant Nutrition Physiology
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