Faculty Senate Minutes 2015-10-05

University of Wisconsin--Madison

shared governance document

5 October, 2015

Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 156 voting members present (112 needed for quorum).
1. Memorial Resolutions were offered for:
Professor Emeritus Frederick S. Brightbill (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2566)
Professor Emeritus Walter A. Wittich (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2567)
2.Chancellor Rebecca Blank presented her State of the University address. She stressed that outstanding faculty and staff are our most important assets and recognized that this is a challenging time. The chancellor provided updates on budget, admissions, tenure, and shared governance. She reiterated her expectation that our governance will continue to operate as it has in the past. She indicated that our biggest problem in the coming year is not individual issues, but the accumulation of negative events, which threatens our reputation. Senior leadership wants to send clear message that UW is not open for raiding. Chancellor Blank believes the key long-term issue we face is how to build a university that is stronger and more resilient, and which is financially stable even if faced with further budget cuts. One answer to that challenge is strengthening trust and confidence through correction of misperceptions and sharing of successes. A second important response to the challenge is creating a stable financial base through creative building of revenues, identifying opportunities on expenses, and fundraising. Chancellor Blank concluded by calling for leaders with the courage to try new approaches and to think differently who can talk about both what to do and also why it matters that we keep UW strong and thriving.
There were several questions and comments.
3. Announcements/Information Items.
Professor Beth Meyerand, University Committee Chair, called attention to PROFS materials and reiterated importance of that body. She outlined anticipated activities for the coming year, recognizing the shifting landscape and resultant need for flexibility and responsiveness. She concluded by reminding all faculty of the need for mutual respect and support and stressed the importance of unity focused on common ties and mission.
4. Question Period.
There were no questions.
5. The minutes of the May 4, 2015, meeting were approved as distributed.
6. The minutes of the June 9, 2015, special meeting were approved as distributed.
7. Chancellor Blank called attention to highlights of faculty legislation and senate business for 2014-2015. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2568)
8. Professor Meyerand moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Jean Bahr (Geoscience) to serve on the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities for 2015-2016, replacing Professor Nancy Kendall who is on sabbatical.
The motion passed without negative vote.
9. Professor Meyerand moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Jin-Wen Yu (Dance) to serve on the Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities for 2015-2016, replacing Professor J. Michael Collins who is on sabbatical.
The motion passed without negative vote.
10. Professor Meyerand moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Linda Graham (Botany) to serve on the Library Committee for 2015-2015, replacing Professor Cécile Ané who is on sabbatical.
The motion passed without negative vote.
11. Professor Meyerand moved to confirm the appointment of Professor Neil Kodesh (History) to serve on the Library Committee for 2015-2016, replacing Professor Larry Nesper who resigned.
The motion passed without negative vote.
12. Professor Dorothy Farrar-Edwards (chair, ad hoc committee on tenure and termination) introduced FPP Chapter 10 proposal for discussion, providing context, explaining process, and summarizing input to date. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2569)
There were multiple comments and extensive discussion, which will be incorporated, along with listening session input, into draft for second reading and vote at November meeting.
13. Professor Meyerand moved adoption of changes to the academic calendar. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2570)
There were several comments and questions.
The motion passed without negative vote.
14. Professor Meyerand moved adoption of modification of workflow for tenure clock extensions. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2571)
There were no questions or comments.
The motion passed without negative vote.
15. Professor Rick Keller (Medical History and Bioethics and Associate Dean, International Division) submitted for informational purposes the name change of the Division of International Studies to The International Division. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2572)
There were no questions or comments.
16. Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology) moved adoption of AFT-Wisconsin Higher Education Council Statement on Tenure and Indefinite Status. (UW-Madison Fac Doc 2573)
Professor Howard Schweber (Political Science) moved to postpone until after Senate acts on FPP Chapter 10 proposal.
There were several comments and discussion on postponement.
The motion to postpone passed by a show of hands.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty

faculty policies and procedures 
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Julie S. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty