PDRC minutes November 13, 2015

Minutes from the November 13, 2015 PDRC meeting

PDRC Meeting Agenda

Friday, November 13, 2015

8:30-9:30 am

Union South

Attendance: Quorum=7

x__Jeff Armstrong: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

x__Jeffrey Bohrer: jeff.bohrer@wisc.edu

x__Nick Ewoldt: nick.ewoldt@wisc.edu

__Jay Ford: jhfordii@wisc.edu


x__Stephanie Jones: SGJONES2@WISC.EDU

__Stephanie Kutz: stephanie.kutz@wisc.edu

__John Klatt: john.klatt@wisc.edu

__Christine Lupton: christine.lupton@wisc.edu


x__Alison Rice: alison.rice@wisc.edu

x__Jacob Rome: jarome@medicine.wisc.edu

x__Matthew Vieth:  matt.vieth@wisc.edu


Meeting was called to order at 8:35 am.


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for October 09, 2015 – approved without objection


Standing subcommittee reports

1.      PD Grants: Stephanie J.

- Still at dean/director review stage; their deadline is today.

- Approved applications will be uploaded to Box per Jake at Sec office; Stephanie J will confirm that they will also be available in the online submission system.

- Stephanie J will be in touch with reviewers about details.

- Stephanie J will contact Jeff A about grant assignment tool.

- Matt will look into booking room in Grainger.

- Stephanie will confirm will Jake the amount of funds available.


2. Awards: Jeff B./

- Timeline of awards process was circulated and reviewed; also available in Box.

- Sign-up sheet also circulated.

- Jeff B will follow up with Secretary’s Office about additional promotion of awards, including possible ad in Inside UW-Madison.

- Jake Smith confirmed that letter to prior nominators was sent to those from the last 2 years.


3. Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison

- No updates


Committee business

1.      Informational note: Annual summary completed and sent to Secretary’s Office; presented to Assembly 11/9/2015


2.      Do persons whose terms are up desire to be reelected? If so, please let Nick and Stephanie K know. (the nominating committee asked Stephanie K)

-          Nick will look into whose terms are up


Adjourned at 9:10 am.