PDRC December 11, 2015 minutes

Minutes from 12/11/2015 PDRC meeting

PDRC Meeting Agenda

Friday, December 11, 2015

8:30-9:30 am

Union South

Attendance: Quorum=7

x__Jeff Armstrong: jeff.armstrong@wisc.edu

x__Jeffrey Bohrer: jeff.bohrer@wisc.edu

x__Nick Ewoldt: nick.ewoldt@wisc.edu

_x_Jay Ford: jhfordii@wisc.edu


x__Stephanie Jones: SGJONES2@WISC.EDU

_x Stephanie Kutz: stephanie.kutz@wisc.edu

__John Klatt: john.klatt@wisc.edu

__x Christine Lupton: christine.lupton@wisc.edu


_Alison Rice: alison.rice@wisc.edu

x__Jacob Rome: jarome@medicine.wisc.edu

x__Matthew Vieth:  matt.vieth@wisc.edu


Meeting was called to order at 8:31am.


Automatic consent business

- Minutes for November 13, 2015 – approved without objection


Standing subcommittee reports

1.      PD Grants: Stephanie J.

- 27 out of 53 grant applications were funded with an average award of $1036.28.

            -Subcommittee formed to discuss: application questions, review criteria and scoring

                        -Matt, Nick and Stephanie K =subcommittee members


       2.    Awards: Jeff B.

- Sign-up sheet also circulated. Jeff will connect with award leads in the near future.

-Discussion on approach to 2016 awards:

-communication, faculty connections, reminders, past award winners publicity, analysis on statistics, review application questions/process

            -plans for future agenda topics to address ideas

-Chris and Amy M. will connect with persons in HR relating to professional development/awards

-January 11, 2016 is deadline for awards submissions

- Jeff B will follow up with Secretary’s Office about additional promotion of awards, including possible ad in Inside UW-Madison.


3. Exec Ed Grants: Jay/Alison

- Matt will connect with Alison regarding updates.


Committee business


Adjourned at 9:14 am.