InterPro - Online Learning - Tools & Technology - Web Conferencing

Getting started with UW Madison Zoom for InterPro online courses
UW Madison Zoom is the official web conferencing tool for online courses offered through University of Wisconsin-Madison and Interdisciplinary Professional Programs. Zoom is available either through a web browser or through an application.

Zoom Important Links

Zoom User Introductions


Troubleshooting Connection or Audio Issues
Sometimes issues arise when connecting to a web conference session. The two most common issues we see are having difficulty connecting, or have various audio issues after you get connected. Here are a few things to try if you have these issues.  99.9% of the time, they will fix the problem.  If you continue to have issues, then please do use the contact information below to reach out for assistance.

Troubleshooting Tips for Audio and Connection Issues

  1. Check your wifi/Internet connection. Can you load another website in your web browsers?
  2. Completely quit the web browser or Zoom client and try re-joining the session.
  3. Try restarting your computer.
  4. Try connecting from a different network to see if that fixes the issue. Sometimes corporate firewalls block some Internet connections. 
  5. Try connecting from a different device. If you are trying on computer, then try connecting using on a mobile device by navigating to the link from a tablet or smart phone.
  6. See the audio issues section of Zoom's support site
  7. See the video issues section of Zoom's support site

For urgent issues during a live session or for general questions:
  • You can also alert our InterPro Online Support Team by emailing

Web Conferencing, troubleshooting, blackboard mobile, ios, android 
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Learning Design and Technologies Team in Interdisciplinary Professional Programs
College of Engineering
Interdisciplinary Professional Programs