University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-07-06

approved July 13, 2015
July 6, 2015
Present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt

1. Meeting called to order: 1:02 PM.
2. The UC discussed possible actions/mechanisms to improve campus climate. General sense that a survey of concerns is best place to start. Survey results could then be used during fall semester to develop and/or strengthen activities to promote a strong campus community. 
3. Edwards updated UC on post-tenure review committee progress. The ad hoc committee feels that the existing policy is fine; focus will be on procedures, timelines, and templates to ensure effective implementation of that policy.
4. Minutes of the meeting of June 1, 2015, approved.
5. Minutes of the meeting of June 18, 2015, approved. 
6. Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick with Steve Ackerman, Jan Greenberg, and Nick Tincher)
a. Mailick explained that study on improving information on recruitment and retention revealed that most peer institutions use digital solutions. UW-Madison now has an online tool developed jointly by offices of VCRGE and provost. While not a governance issue, this new administrative tool will be of interest to all faculty.
b. Tincher presented the online tool and walked the UC through it. Ample discussion. 
c. Dissemination and development will continue, but tool is now live.
7. Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
a. Bazzell provided an update on pending issues relating to the state budget, including parking and indefinite appointments.
b. At chancellor’s request, VPFA will issue memo on implementation of new budget model. 5% exposed to new model effective this fiscal year; goal is 25% next year and 50% the following year, which would be full implementation. Even full implementation will likely not have immediate impact, as model was based on current situation looking forward. Ample discussion.
c. In response to a question about pay adjustments, Bazzell replied that tools not yet in place, but conceptually can move ahead. This and items such as living wage adjustments will take some time, but existing situations should be brought forward.
d. Bazzell acknowledged receipt of the bottom-up review report, which will be placed on agenda for future meeting. 
UC discussed proposal from campus safety-related committees and programs to reestablish a general safety committee. Ample discussion. UC appreciates need for cross-campus collaboration but feels this capacious definition of safety would create too large and unwieldy a committee. Some proposed members fall under provost, some under VCRGE; issues addressed include policing, compliance, regulation, etc. Could ask one high-level person or unit (perhaps new compliance officer) to take lead and serve as point. Too broad for one committee. SOF will respond.
9. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jeff Russell)
a. Russell (with Kari Johnson, Sarah Barber, and Jake Blanchard) presented results of working group on summer session offerings and enrollments. Russell walked UC through detailed handout and asked for feedback and support moving forward with implementation. Recommendations: (1) Adopt new summer budget model, (2) Establish implementation committee, (3) Create minimum enrollment policies, (4) Modify academic calendar, (5) Evaluate summer compensation practices, (6) Adopt per-credit summer tuition rates, (7) Create strategies to attract new student audiences, (8) Revise faculty policies, (9) Elevate Summer Dean role. 
b. Ample discussion throughout.
c. UC expressed its enthusiastic support of this overall plan. 
10. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. Blank present for the end of above item and highlighted three areas to think about: expanding offerings for existing students to decrease time to degree, promoting UW to students from outside UW who want to take regular courses, and addressing educational opportunities that are not part of the regular curriculum, such as professional certification programs, online courses with a face-to-face component, and so on. Blank added that Madison is a wonderful place to be in the summer and we are not fully utilizing our facilities. Improved summer scheduling could address both and help departments buttress their budgets and create financial stability.
b. Blank updated UC on state budget, including sense that the transportation deadlock overwhelmed any traction on university concerns. She is drafting a veto request.
c. Blank announced two personnel departures in her office: Vince Chancellor for University Relations Vince Sweeny and Chief of Staff Becci Menghini. Hoslet will serve as interim for the former and search will begin this fall, likely following a look at how that unit’s structure compares to peers. Menghini departure is more immediately disruptive. Interim will be appointed soon. 
d. Blank and the UC discussed the charge for the ad hoc committee on tenure and termination. This is not just a matter of defining process, but more importantly which program changes, if any, would trigger such a process. Committee should be clear about what does not trigger the process. That is, the vast majority of budget and program decisions would not put tenured faculty at risk and we need to be clear about that. We now have the authority to address a variety of situations and we need to be clear about under which situations the authority will come into play. 
11. Litovsky moved to approve the following charge for the ad hoc committee on tenure and termination: “This committee is hereby charged to draft language that will provide UW-Madison policy governing the conditions, if any, under which program changes would lead to a review of the positions of tenured or tenure-track faculty and the process under which such faculty may be terminated or laid off. The policy must be in full compliance with state statute and consistent with the AAUP (American Association of University Professors) statement on academic due process (attached). Your report should be delivered to the University Committee no later than September 11, 2015. Your report will be the basis for changes to FPP (Faculty Policies and Procedures) to be reviewed by the UW-Madison Faculty Senate at its October meeting.” Edwards second. Motion passed unanimously.
12. Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff update (Michael Bernard-Donals)
a. Bernard-Donals briefed the UC on the mid-career working group report. Report pointed out that UW does not do as good a job supporting mid-career faculty as it does with junior faculty. VPFS will move forward with developing programming to address this gap. Communication is seen as key, to let mid-career faculty know what opportunities are available. Ample discussion.
b. Bernard-Donals brought UC up to speed on the portfolio of pay tools. Concerns about portfolio, primarily from deans, included concern that compression equity in particular was having little impact, that match requirement was too burdensome, and generally that portfolio was too complicated. High demand, compression, and post promotion tools were re-conceived as block grants for greater flexibility and deadlines and implementation requirements were simplified. Temporary relief on match requirement also provided. Some methodologies are still complicated. Will try block approach for 2-3 years with back-end reporting and re-evaluate. Ample discussion, especially about how assessment will be conducted.
c. Bernard-Donals explained the performance management and faculty supervision working group. Original intent was to address gap in professional development opportunities available to faculty and staff around new HR regime. Need to be able to understand from faculty and PIs what they need to know about performance management. Survey conducted; data not yet available. Next meeting will look at results to find out what faculty know and what they need to know. Discussion included how to make training attractive to PIs and how to account for differences in scope and type of supervision. Discussion segued into a conversation about building up support for mentors.
13. The UC discussed and assigned committee members to UC seats on Committee on Committees, Financial Emergency, PROFS Steering Committee, and UAPC, as well as UWS and CIC representatives.
14. Wendt moved and Wanner 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 4:00 PM.
15. Faculty representative presented departmental feedback on dean involvement in chair selection. Discussion included concerns about faculty governance and leadership. Faculty agree with outcome but have concerns about process. UC chair will meet with provost to discuss and ensure governance processes are respected. Ample discussion.
16. The UC reviewed nominations for a CFRR-mandated tenure review committee and the ad hoc committee on tenure and termination.
17. Rule waiver requests: tenure clock extensions, dual role, and temporary assignment
a. The UC considered and unanimously approved ten tenure clock extension requests.
b. The UC considered and unanimously approved one temporary assignment.
c. The UC considered and unanimously approved one dual role waiver.
18. Edwards moved and Wendt seconded to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 5:12PM
19. Meeting adjourned at 5:13 PM.

University Committee july 
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Sara K. in UW Secretary of the Faculty
UW Secretary of the Faculty