University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-12-15

approved January 5, 2015
December 15, 2014

Present: Broman, Edwards, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt

1. Meeting called to order: 12:30 PM.
2. Fair announced change in agenda order (moving chancellor and VCRGE updates)
3. Ad Hoc Bullying Committee (Soyeon Shim, François Ortolo-Magné, Binnu Hill)
a. Fair provided background and context and proposed creation of shared governance committee to replace ad hoc committee. New committee would be charged with (a) implementation of academic staff and faculty (and eventually classified) hostile and intimidating behavior policies/legislation, (b) determining the procedures for these policies and where they would be housed, (c) considering what information should be distributed and where, and (d) thinking about potential partner groups. This committee would not be permanent. 
b. UC thanked the committee for its valuable work. 
c. Shim provided a handout (“Strategic Framework and Work Plan Proposal”) outlining the committee’s accomplishments and elements that could serve as basis for moving forward.
d. Ad hoc meeting on Thursday will be celebratory of success and handing over work to shared governance. First meeting of new committee will be sharing information from ad hoc committee. 
4. Discussion of diversity framework handout from last week. No concerns.
5. Petty updated the UC on the System faculty reps meeting. 
6. Minutes of the meeting of December 8, 2014, approved.
7. Meyerand moved and Petty seconded to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 1:16 PM.
8. The UC returned the LOA/TCE request for additional information.
9. The UC unanimously approved a dual role waiver request.
10. Broman moved and Meyerand seconded to reconvene in open session. Motion passed 1:30 PM.
11. Athletics Board (Mark Covaleski and several student and academic staff visitors).
a. Covaleski updated the UC on Big10 and Power Five discussions.
b. UC asked whether governance letter of November 17 was discussed/presented at Big10 meeting. Covaleski indicated that faculty made their case for increased participation but only one faculty representative will be on NCAA committee.
c. Ample discussion of football coach resignation and new hire.
d. Covaleski indicated that the Athletic Board uses Faculty Document 2191 (“Clayton Report”) as its governing document, along with an internal 2011 document that reiterates and reinforces the Clayton report. Ample discussion. General consensus that Athletics is different from other committees and that there are extenuating circumstances. Nevertheless, agreement that all has been handled as well as could be hoped. 
12. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Provost will represent the UW at Outback Bowl.
b. Update on SOE search. One candidate declined and chair will replace. Outside faculty member will be from Lafollette. Important to have a community member on search; Superintendent does not have the time. Will likely need another faculty member. 
c. Provost showed draft flow chart on hostile and intimidating behavior. This will be something for the shared governance committee to deal with. Discussion. 
d. UC question: Will there be another EI round of funding? Provost will look into this and also what EI has been doing lately and update at future UC meeting. 
e. Discussion of System proposals and faculty workload.
13. Interim VCRGE update (Marsha Mailick)
VCRGE informed that UC that there will be additional funds from WARF this year and in future years. Sought input on best use for these funds. UC supported basic approach of additional fellowships, research infrastructure, and “bridge to the future” project for high end, high risk, high yield, collaborate, flexible projects.
14. Wendt moved and Meyerand 2nd to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 3:02 PM. 
15. Discussion of URC membership.
16. Edwards moved and Broman 2nd to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 3:16 PM.
17. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. Discussion of HR Redesign question, additional flexibilities, phasing, market survey (to start in spring), and items which require legislative action. 
b. Discussion of Labor advisory committee’s desire to become a Chapter 6 committee.
c. Chancellor to have foot surgery and thus will not be at commencement.
18. CALS APC restructuring (Kathryn VandenBosch and Laura van Toll)
CALS 5-year review recommended change in outdated APC structure and rearrangement of college into “divisions” (districts). APC will increase from 8 to 12 faculty plus 2 academic staff with voting rights; 3-year staggered terms elected in each sector. Electronic voting was a success in terms of turnout (about 60%) and changes (90% in favor). UC accepted and approved changes.
19. Edwards and Meyerand updated the UC on ongoing IRB discussions. Need to let policy review currently underway to finish. There will be a post-review compliance audit. UC study will be put on hold for a while. Need to look at broader committee structures. 
20. Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM.

KeywordsUniversity Committee december   Doc ID60151
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-27 12:32:23Updated2024-10-01 08:09:15
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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