University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-10-13

approved October 20, 2014
October 13, 2014
Present: Broman, Fair (chair), Meyerand, Petty, Wendt 
Absent: Edwards

1. Meeting called to order: 12:31 PM.
2. Representatives from Recreational Sports (Jesse Markow, John Horn, Doug Reindl) provided the UC with copies of their annual report and discussed the composition of the Recreational Sports Board. Changes will be proposed at a future Faculty Senate meeting to shift the composition of the board and to eliminate the current exclusion of certain faculty from its membership. 
3. The interim dean of the Graduate School (Wendy Crone) updated the UC on the current status of that office. The Graduate School continues to provide several critical functions and services that help students, departments, and the stature of the university as a whole, but there are also items that are not being done due to reduced capacity. Crone stated that the Graduate School is understaffed and recommended refocused efforts on maintaining its strength and autonomy. Among the critical needs identified are: an independent and substantial budget, clear authority over WARF gift, participation in fundraising, autonomy for the dean, and clarification of FPP.
4. Update from Vice Chancellor for Finances and Administration (Darrell Bazzell):
a. Limited reactions yet to budget allocation model.
c. The UC updated the VCFA on group looking into bottom-up/360 reviews.
5. Carole Kolb updated the UC on current and soon-to-be-launched high-level searches.
6. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
a. Follow-up discussion on Faculty Senate consideration of language on hostile and intimidating behavior. Provost provided information on peer institutions, which are almost all well ahead of UW. Freedom of speech and academic freedom has not suffered at institutions with this kind of policy in place.
b. Discussion of cluster hires and future of the program. 
c. Discussion of UW System faculty representation.
d. UC updated provost on 360/bottom-up review process. Broader discussion of reviews of mid-level administrators, units, and non-academic units. 
7. Broman left: 2:10 PM
8. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
a. General discussion of parameters for VCR search; committee should be mutually exclusive of provost search.
b. Follow-up discussion on Faculty Senate meeting and budget cut exercise.
c. The chancellor provided data on graduation rates. While there has been progress on both 4- and 6-year rates (57% and 85%, respectively), chancellor argues we are not yet at desired level. Goal should be 65% for 4-year and 90%+ for 6-year. Current budget climate makes this harder; substantial budget cuts could undo progress. 
d. Discussion of campus-wide compliance structure.
e. Brief update on federal indirects, which have decreased slightly despite increase in rate. 
9. Athletic Board chair Mark Covaleski was unable to attend and will be rescheduled.
10. Minutes of the  University Committee Meeting Minutes 2014-10-06 , approved.
11. Follow-up discussion on Recreational Sports request. Striking shared usage language and deciding on exact composition of committee will be taken up at next meeting.
12. Follow-up discussion about October 6 Faculty Senate meeting and next steps for proposed language on hostile and/or intimidating behavior. 
13. Broman returned: 3:24 PM.
14. Petty moved and Wendt seconded to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Motion passed: 3:36 PM.
a. Discussion of names for VCRGE search and screen.
b. Tenure track change request presented by department chair. Petty moved approval. Meyerand seconded. Approved unanimously.
15. Meyerand moved and Petty seconded to reconvene in open session. Motion passed: 4:25 PM.
16. Meeting adjourned: 4:26 PM

KeywordsUniversity Committee october   Doc ID60176
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2016-01-27 14:15:08Updated2023-07-17 14:22:06
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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