University Committee Agendas and Minutes June 2015 to May 2016
Meeting minutes are linked from each agenda once approved.
June 1, 2015 | August 31, 2015 | October 5, 2015 | November 2, 2015 | December 7, 2015 | January 4, 2016 | February 8, 2016 | March 14, 2016 | April 4, 2016 | May 2, 2016 |
June 18 | September 8 | October 12 | November 9 | December 14 | January 11 | February 15 | March 21 | April 11 | May 9 |
July 6 | September 14 | October 19 | November 16 | December 21 | January 25 | February 22 | March 28 | April 18 | May 16 |
July 16 | September 21 | October 26 | November 23 | December 28 | January 29 | February 29 | March 30 | April 25 | May 23 |
July 20 | September 28 | November 25 |
Agenda for May 23, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 16, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:20) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
6. (1:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance. Rule waiver.
7. (2:10) Reconvene in open session
8. Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for May 16, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Meyerand
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. (1:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance. [Closed session chair: Wendt]
3. (1:30) Reconvene in open session.
4. Announcements and updates
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 9, 2016
6. Legislative update (PROFS)
7. (1:40) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. Wrap-up and adjournment
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-05-09
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 2, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. DECISION: University Staff request to modify health benefits committee membership
6. REVIEW: Agenda for special senate meeting (to be held May 17, 2016)
7. (1:10) Title IX update (David Blom, Luis Pinero)
8. (1:40) Interim VC for Finance and Administration update (Michael Lehman)
9. (2:00) Athletic Board update (Mark Covaleski)
10. (2:15) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
11. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for May 2, 2016
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-05-02
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 18, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Amendment to University Research Council incorporation into FPP (Patti Brennan)
6. (1:20) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
7. (1:40) Course evaluations resolution (David Baum, Deb Shapiro, Steve Cramer, Mo Bischof)
8. (2:10) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (2:45) Faculty Senate resolution responding to modification of tenure policies (Chad Goldberg)
11. (3:00) Canvas (Steve Cramer, Bruce Maas, John Zumbrunnen, Rafi Lazimy)
12. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for April 18, 2016
Agenda for March 21, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Litovsky
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 14, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Campus Master Plan update (Gary Brown, Aaron Williams)
6. (1:40) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Marsha Mailick)
7. Discussion: Budget Committee
8. Religious Studies as tenure home
9. (2:15) Tenure policy (Ray Taffora)
10. (2:45) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
11. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee appointments.
12. Open to adjourn.
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Agenda for February 15, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected present: Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Agenda for November 30, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 25, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers; committee membership (Committee on Committees, Lectures).
6. (1:45) Reconvene in open session
7. VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick, Brian Fox)
8. (2:05) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (no later than 3:00) Adjournment
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 18, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Amendment to University Research Council incorporation into FPP (Patti Brennan)
6. (1:20) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
7. (1:40) Course evaluations resolution (David Baum, Deb Shapiro, Steve Cramer, Mo Bischof)
8. (2:10) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (2:45) Faculty Senate resolution responding to modification of tenure policies (Chad Goldberg)
11. (3:00) Canvas (Steve Cramer, Bruce Maas, John Zumbrunnen, Rafi Lazimy)
12. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for April 18, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 4, 2016
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 11, 2016
5. Legislative update (PROFS)
6. (1:10) VC for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet, John Lucas, Alice Gustafson)
Working At UW website
7. (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
8. Amendment to incorporation of University Research Council into FPP
9. (1:50) Resolution in solidarity with Muslim students, staff, and faculty (David Rosenthal, Andrea Ruppar)
10. Resolution on cultural competency
11. Recommendations from ad hoc committee on academic calendar
12. Response to modified tenure policies
13. Campus climate and faculty morale
14. (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers; committee membership (Access and Accommodation).
15. Open to adjourn.
Agenda for April 11, 2016
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of April 4, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Post-tenure review policy (Ray Taffora, Brian Vaughan)
6. (1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Michael Lehman, Tim Norris)
Budget model committee
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9. (2:50) School of Business faculty reviews (Francois Ortalo-Magne, Russ Coff)
10. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for April 4, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Edwards
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 28, 2016
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the special meeting of March 30, 2016
5. Legislative update (PROFS)
6. (1:10) Teaching Academy white paper (David Baum, Debra Shapiro)
7. (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
8. (1:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers; committee membership (CFRR, ad hoc committee).
9. (2:30) Reconvene in open session.
10. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11. Charge to ad hoc committee on health benefits
12. (no later than 3:00) Adjournment
Agenda for March 28, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 21, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Information Technology Committee structure (Patti Brennan)
6. (1:25) Open Access (Karl Broman)
7. (1:40) VC for Finance and Administration update (Michael Lehman)
-- Budget Committee
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. CFRR cases; rule waivers; committee membership.
10. (2:35) Reconvene in open session.
11. Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
12. Senate agenda review
13. (2:50) Textbook affordability (Madison Laning, Colin Barshok)
14. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for March 21, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Litovsky
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of March 14, 2016
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Campus Master Plan update (Gary Brown, Aaron Williams)
6. (1:40) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (Marsha Mailick)
7. Discussion: Budget Committee
8. Religious Studies as tenure home
9. (2:15) Tenure policy (Ray Taffora)
10. (2:45) Chief Diversity Officer update (Patrick Sims)
11. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee appointments.
12. Open to adjourn.
Agenda for March 14, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner
Expected absent: Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Legislative update (PROFS)
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 29, 2016
5. Discussion: Charge for ad hoc GLBTQ health benefits committee
6. (1:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Dual role waivers, committee assignments (Lakeshore Nature Preserve, GLBTQ health benefits, CFRR de novo review, student panels).
7. (1:40) Reconvene in open session
8. Interim Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Michael Lehman)
9. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
10. (2:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Continuation of above, plus Athletic Board.
11. (2:50) Reconvene in open session
12. Athletic Board update (Mark Covaleski)
13. (3:10) Dual roles and compensation (Michael Bernard-Donals, Catharine DeRubeis)
14. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for February 29, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Meyerand
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Legislative update (PROFS)
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 15, 2016
5. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 22, 2016
6. (1:10) Research administration and effort reporting (Kim Moreland, Bob Andresen)
7. Review: March 7 Faculty Senate Agenda and documents (URC incorporation into FPP, shared governance statement, budget committee proposal, open access policy)
8. (1:40) Children in the Workplace (Michael Kissick, Patrick Sheehan, Lindsey Stoddard Cameron)
9. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
10. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for February 22, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Litovsky
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Legislative update (PROFS)
4. Discussion: Budget Advisory Committee
5. Review: March 7 Faculty Senate agenda
6. (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9. (approximately 2:50) Adjourn
[Finalist candidate visit with UC members-- Union South]
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-02-15
Expected present: Broman, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Edwards
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 8, 2016.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Open Access Policy (Karl Broman)
6. (1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9. (2:45) Equity and Diversity Committee annual report (Parmesh Ramanathan)
10. (3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Athletic Board; rule waiver; grievance.
11. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for February 8, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Edwards
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of February 8, 2016.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Open Access Policy (Karl Broman)
6. (1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9. (2:45) Equity and Diversity Committee annual report (Parmesh Ramanathan)
10. (3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Athletic Board; rule waiver; grievance.
11. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for February 8, 2016
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2016-02-08
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent items: Approve minutes of meetings of January 25, January 29, and February 1, 2016.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance, rule waivers.
6. (1:30) Reconvene in open session
7. VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (2:50) Campus smoke-free policy (Sarah Van Orman)
11. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance, rule waivers, Athletic Board interviews.
12. (approximately 5:15) Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Agenda for February 1, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent items: Approve minutes of meetings of January 25, January 29, and February 1, 2016.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance, rule waivers.
6. (1:30) Reconvene in open session
7. VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (2:50) Campus smoke-free policy (Sarah Van Orman)
11. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance, rule waivers, Athletic Board interviews.
12. (approximately 5:15) Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Agenda for February 1, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 25, 2016.
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 29, 2016.
5. Legislative update (PROFS)
6. Faculty Senate agenda review and preparation
7. (1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. Adjournment no later than 3:00 p.m.
Agenda for January 29, 2016 (Special meeting)
Expected present: Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (10:00 a.m.) Meeting commences (open session)
- Discussion: UW System Tenure Task Force draft policies
- Adjournment no later than 11:30 a.m.
Documents from the Board of Regents:
- Periodic Post-Tenure Review in Support of Tenured Faculty Development
- Procedures Relating to Financial Emergency or Program Discontinuance Requiring Faculty Layoff and Termination
- Authority of the University of Wisconsin System Board of Regents to Grant Faculty Tenure
Agenda for January 25, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 4, 2016.
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 11, 2016.
5. Legislative update (PROFS)
6. Discussion with ASEC and USEC: Budget committee
7. (2:00) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
8. (2:30) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (3:00) Athletic Board update (Mark Covaleski)
10. (3:20) Open Access Policy (Karl Broman)
11. (no earlier than 3:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance. Committee nominations (ad hoc, Athletic Board, search and screen).
12. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for January 11, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of January 4, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) VC for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
6. (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick, Dan Uhlrich)
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
9. (2:50) University Police update (Sue Riseling)
10. Discussion: Ad hoc committee on benefits and Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
11. (no earlier than 3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers. Athletic Board nominations (initial discussion).
12. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for January 4, 2016
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 21, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) GLBT Issues Committee (Claire Wendland, Aaron Hoskins, Gabe Javier)
6. (1:30) VC for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
7. (2:00) Discussion: Tenure Task Force documents (with Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. Election: University Committee 2016-17 Chair
9. Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for December 21, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 14, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Diversity update (Patrick Sims)
6. (1:30) Discussion: Incorporation of URC into FPP (Livny, Anderson, Ryff)
7. Senate reapportionment update
8. (2:00) Chief of Police update (Sue Riseling)
9. (no earlier than 2:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee appointments; rule waivers.
10. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for December 14, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of December 7, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:10) Proposed senate resolution on sexual assault (Bret Payseur)
6. Approval: Charge to ad hoc committee on IRBs
7. (1:30) Discussion: Charge for Faculty Comp and Economic Benefits (Michael Bernard-Donals)
8. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (no earlier than 2:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Grievance; committee appointments; rule waivers.
11. Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Agenda for December 7, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 30, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. Discussion: URC input
6. (1:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waiver.
7. (1:25) Reconvene in open session
8. (1:30) VCFA and OHR update (Darrell Bazzell, Bob Lavigna)
9. Discuss and approve: Charge to ad hoc committee on IRBs.
10. Discussion: IT faculty representation
11. Discussion: Charge for Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
12. Follow-up (as necessary) on DGS update and VCFA/OHR update
13. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
14. Adjourn no later than 3:00 p.m.
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 30, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. Discussion: URC input
6. (1:20) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waiver.
7. (1:25) Reconvene in open session
8. (1:30) VCFA and OHR update (Darrell Bazzell, Bob Lavigna)
9. Discuss and approve: Charge to ad hoc committee on IRBs.
10. Discussion: IT faculty representation
11. Discussion: Charge for Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits
12. Follow-up (as necessary) on DGS update and VCFA/OHR update
13. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
14. Adjourn no later than 3:00 p.m.
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-11-30
Expected present: Broman, Edwards (until 1:45), Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
Agenda for October 26, 2015
- (12:30) Meeting commences (open session)
- Discussion: UWS Tenure Task Force meeting
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 16, 2015.
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 23, 2015.
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 25, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- (1:10) Libraries consolidation update (Ed Van Gamert, Lesley Moyo)
- (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
- Review and approve: Revised post-tenure review policy proposal
- Review: December Faculty Senate agenda
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (3:00) Graduate School update (Bill Karpus)
- (3:20) CIO update (Bruce Maas, Don Nelson, Rafi Lazimy)
- (3:40) VP for Faculty and Staff update (Michael Bernard-Donals)
- Wrap-up and adjournment
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
(9:00 AM) Meeting commences (open session)
1. Review and approval of UC response to UWS Tenure Task Force agenda and attachments
1. Review and approval of UC response to UWS Tenure Task Force agenda and attachments
Expected present: Broman, Edwards (chair), Litovsky, Wanner, Wendt
Expected absent: Meyerand
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 16, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- Discussion: Campus climate survey
- (1:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Committee membership; rule waivers.
- (2:00) Reconvene in open session.
- Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (2:50) PROFS annual report (Judith Burstyn)
- Wrap-up and adjournment
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of November 9, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- (1:10) Associated Students of Madison (Jessica Franco-Morales, Kyla Kaplan, Madison Laning)
- (1:30) VC for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
- (1:50) Committee on Women in the University (Natalia de Leon Gatti, Rebecca Scheller)
- (2:10) Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Charlie Hoslet)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- Discussion: CURAFA membership and charge
- (3:00) Teaching Assistants Association (TAA) (Sergio Gonzalez, Cynthia Burnson)
- Discussion: Institutional Review Boards (IRBs)
- (3:45) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters.
- Rule waivers
- Committee membership
- Grievance
- Open to adjourn
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 26, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- (1:10) Summer term update (Jeff Russell)
- Discussion: Shared governance document
- (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (no later than 3:00) Adjourn
[3:30 - Faculty Senate, 272 Bascom Hall]
Agenda for October 26, 2015
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-10-26
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 19, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- Discussion: Shared governance statement
- (1:15) Athletic Board update (Mark Covaleski)
- Review and approval: Post-tenure review ad hoc committee proposed revisions to FPP
- Review: Agenda for November 2 Faculty Senate
- Review and approval: UCC membership revision
- (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (3:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters
- IRB committee membership (with Susan Ellis Weismer)
- Open to adjourn.
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-10-19
Agenda for October 12, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 12, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- Discussion: Shared governance statement
- Discussion: CIC/Iowa statement
- Discussion: UW System strategic planning request for input
- Discussion: Concealed carry statement
- (1:30) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
- (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Rec Sports update (John Horn, Doug Reindl)
- Revisions to layoff and termination proposal
- Wrap-up and adjournment
Agenda for October 12, 2015
University Committee Meeting Minutes 2015-10-12
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of October 5, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- (1:10) Comprehensive Campaign update (Alisa Robertson, Mike Knetter)
- (1:30) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
- (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (2:50) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis.Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Dual role waivers (4), sabbatical replacement (1), clock extensions (2).
- Open for adjournment
Agenda for October 5, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
- Announcements and updates
- Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of September 28, 2015.
- Legislative update (PROFS)
- (1:30) VCRGE update (Marsha Mailick)
- (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
- (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
- (3:00) Adjournment
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of August 31, 2015.
4. Discussion: Senate redistricting
5. (1:10) IRBs (Bob Mathieu)
6. (1:30) VCRGE and Grad School update (Marsha Mailick, Bill Karpus)
7. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:25) Legislative update (PROFS)
9. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
10. (3:00) Art acquisition and disposal proposal (Daniel Einstein)
11. (3:20) Update on realignment discussions (Irwin Goldman)
12. Discussion: UW System strategic planning process
13. (3:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments and waivers.
14. Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent items:
a. Approve minutes of the meeting of July 6, 2015.b. Approve minutes of the meeting of July 16, 2015.c. Approve minutes of the meeting of July 20, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (1:20) Faculty Compensation and Benefits committee report (Bob Hamers)
6. (1:40) General Safety Committee proposal (Bruce Thomadsen)
7. (2:00) Provost update and proposed changes to academic calendar (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
8. (2:30) Ad hoc committee on tenure and termination update
9. (2:40) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Appointments and waivers.
10. Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Expected present: Broman, Edwards (chair), Litovsky, Wendt
Expected absent: Meyerand, Wanner
1. (9:45) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of July 6, 2015.
4. Legislative update (PROFS)
5. (10:00) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
6. (10:30) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Waiver to appoint non-faculty chair.
7. (10:50) Reconvene in open session. Vote on waiver to appoint non-faculty chair.
8. Climate and morale survey.
9. (11:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
10. Adjourn no later than 11:45 AM.
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky (by phone), Meyerand, Wendt
Expected absent: Wanner
1. (10:30) Meeting commences
2. Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Faculty personnel issue.
3. Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
[12:30 PM: PROFS Board of Directors]
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 1, 2015.
4. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of June 18, 2015.
5. (1:05) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
6. (1:30) Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration update (Darrell Bazzell)
7. (1:50) General Safety Committee proposal
8. Charge to ad hoc committee on tenure policy
9. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf, Jeff Russell)
10. (2:30) Chancellor update (Rebecca Blank)
11. (3:00) Vice Provost for Faculty and Staff update (Michael Bernard-Donals)
- Mid-career working group report
- Pay tools
- Performance management and faculty supervision
12. (3:50) UC committee assignments
13. (4:00) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters
14. Engineering faculty and departmental chair
15. CFRR-mandated tenure review committee
16. Rule waiver requests: tenure clock extensions, dual role, and temporary assignment
17. Reconvene in open session to adjourn.
Agenda for June 18, 2015
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky (by phone), Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
- (11:00) Meeting commences
- Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters
- Nominations to committee to be formed to draft campus tenure policies
- Nominations to CFRR-mandated tenure review committee
- Rule waiver: track change request
- Reconvene in open session to adjourn
Expected present: Broman, Edwards, Litovsky, Meyerand (chair), Wanner, Wendt
1. (1:00) Meeting commences (open session)
2. Announcements and updates
3. Vice Chancellor for University Relations update (Vince Sweeney)
4. (1:30) Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education update (Marsha Mailick)
5. (2:00) Provost update (Sarah Mangelsdorf)
6. (2:30) Travel Expense Policies (Martha Kerner, Dan Langer)
7. (2:45) CIO update (Bruce Maas)
8. Consent item: Approve minutes of the meeting of May 18, 2015
9. Legislative update (PROFS)
10. 360 Review
11. UC member appointments to committees
12. (3:15) Motion to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. Rule waivers (tenure clock extensions and leaves of absence).
13. (3:30) Reconvene in open session.
14. Joint Finance Committee omnibus motion on University of Wisconsin System.
15. Wrap-up and adjournment