Communications Committee Minutes 02-23-17

AS Communications Committee Minutes
10:00 a.m., Thursday, February 23, 2017
53 Bascom Hall

Members present: Matthew Call, Chair; Diane Doering, Jennifer Garrett, Emily Kite, Peter Kleppin, Pamela O’Donnell, Diane Stojanovich
Members absent: Jan Klawitter, Nicholas Schmuhl

A quorum was present and Chairman Call called the meeting to order at 10:03 a.m.

1.    Academic Staff Performance Review Survey
Chairman Call provided a summary of the preliminary survey results. ASEC will be drafting an executive summary. Members discussed ideas on how best to share the results with staff. In addition to the standard communication outlets utilized for academic staff, members suggested submitting the final summary to Mike Klein, UW Communications, for inclusion in a future issue of the staff e-newsletter “Working @UW.”

2.    Academic Staff email newsletter  Spring 2017 review
Members discussed the goal of the email newsletter, ways to maximize content, elevate ASEC successes, and engage with readers. The timing of spring (March-April) and fall (October-November) seems to work well. While some of the standing committees don’t always have content, or the content is provided in a minutes or calendar format, the committee discussed that the strength of our support to ASEC can be identifying and highlighting initiatives, processes, or opportunities that benefit staff. These stories can enhance the newsletter content and can be illustrated through individual, school, unit, or departmental stories. For example, all staff may not be aware of the Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI). The committee can create content that highlights CASIs, the benefit for staff involvement, etc. and use existing outlets such as Inside UW, Working @UW, etc. to elevate the story. Garrett and O’Donnell offered to work on gathering content and writing an article regarding CASI to serve as the feature or anchor story of the spring newsletter.

The timeline for the spring newsletter was identified as soliciting information from standing committees in March, edit and review in late March, with an estimated email distribution in early April, following spring break. Members will follow the same process as previous and upload content to the shared Box file. Committee liaison assignments:
•    Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC) – Diane D
•    Communications Committee – Peter­
•    Compensation and Economic Benefits Committee (CEBC) – Matthew
•    Districting and Representation Committee – Jan
•    Mentoring Committee – Nicholas
•    Nominating Committee – Pamela
•    Personnel Policies and Procedures Committee - Jennifer
•    Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC) – Diane S
3.    Other business
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved as received.
Committee members briefly discussed preferred date/time for future meetings. Chairman Call will send a doodle poll for the March meeting.

4.    Adjourn
Meeting adjourned at 11:10 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Diane Stojanovich

KeywordsCC Minutes   Doc ID72300
OwnerLesley F.GroupThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
Created2017-04-03 20:58:50Updated2021-09-20 10:30:33
SitesThe Office of the Secretary/ Academic Staff
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