Cisco VoIP - Changing your personal preferences in the voicemail portal
Messaging Assistant
Your voicemail account settings can be customized through the web browser. Click the Settings button to open the Messaging Assistant page.
Personal Preferences
When Messaging Assistant is first accessed, the Personal Options page is presented. Personal Options allows subscribers to play/record their name using either a phone or a microphone via a PC, add alternate spellings of their username and specify whether they want to be listed in the phone directory.
Changing Recorded Name
A recorded name plays with messages that a subscriber leaves for other subscribers and identifies the subscriber in directory assistance. It also plays with any subscriber greetings that use system default recordings instead of personal recordings.
1. On the Media Player, enter phone number of phone in Number or URI, select the Record button and record a name with the recording device. Pick up the handset when the phone rings, wait for the tone, and then speak into the handset. For more information on using the Media Player, please see Cisco VoIP - Voicemail Media Player .
2. When recording is finished, select the Stop button.
3. Select the Save button.
Changing directory listing
From the Personal Options page:
1. Check the List In Phone Directory check box to be listed or uncheck the List In Phone Directory check box to not be listed. Please note this is the Cisco directory and not the UW Directory.
2. Select the Save button.