University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-11-20

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 11/27/2017
Approved minutes for November 20, 2017          Approved November 27, 2017, as amended

UC members present: Amasino, Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
UC members absent: Bowers, Litovsky
Others present: S. Smith, M. Felber, D. Whitwam, J. Smith, H. Daniels, J. O’Meara, C. Springer, M. Mayrl

Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:15 p.m. The minutes of the meeting of November 6, 2017, were approved. Wanner called attention to materials from the recent Big10 Academic Alliance meeting that UW was unable to attend. Vice Provost of Academic Affairs and Director of Academic Planning and Institutional Research Jocelyn Milner reported on the UW System task force on performance-based funding, the final report of which will go to the BoR December 7 meeting and then to Dept. of Administration and then JFC for approval. The task force is working with consulting firm HCM Strategies, which did similar work in Tennessee and has ported much of that model to Madison. The model is based on 16 metrics in the four areas specified in statute (access, progress/success, workforce development, cost/efficiency). All campuses will use same metrics (scaled), but can be weighted to recognize role in institutional mission. (Each of 4 areas have same weight, but can scale among metrics.) Adjustments (to UWS budget distribution among campuses) will be made based on 3-year rolling average with year one baseline; HCM estimates this will shift 1-3% of dollars/year. Campus will have a couple of days to review. Metrics, which are predominantly numerical rather than percentages, appear mostly favorable to Madison. Ample discussion.

Milner and Secretary of the Faculty Steve Smith continued the discussion of department-like units. Under proposed model, the distinction between DLUs and departments would be that only the latter can be tenure homes. Ample discussion, primarily about how to ensure faculty governance and oversight of academic programs. UC approves generally of the concept but more discussion is needed. Campus Transportation Committee chair Dave Marcouiller discussed that committee’s annual report with the UC. Jack O’Meara reported that PROFS will be meeting with State Superintendent Tony Evers and discussed PBF metrics and the Tommy Thompson Center with the UC. On the former there are still some of the Hillman suggestions to be pursued, including delaying implementation. Terry Warfield reported that the December BoR meeting has been shortened to one day. The UC reviewed topics for the December Faculty Senate meeting.

Chancellor Rebecca Blank followed up recent announcement of new VCSA position and indicated that the search will follow protocols of other non-academic hires. The committee will have a couple of faculty members and a faculty chair. Blank discussed the UW Extension merger, indicating that the provost will take the lead on setting up a number of small committees to look at various pieces, and proposals for the Computer Science department, indicating that Mike Lehman will be taking the lead on this, along with another respected member of the IT community. Blank concluded with a number of good news items, including 5 new American Academy of Sciences members, 2 Marshalls, 2 Rhodes, a Mellon fellow, an alum on the short list for the National Book Award, and several sports teams doing well in their post-seasons. Wanner asked about the parts of UW Extension that are not coming to Madison (in the original proposal) and Steve Ventura asked about a recent story about sexism in one of our departments. Wanner concluded the time with Blank with summaries of earlier discussions, including performance metrics and the Thompson Center. After Blank departed, the UC discussed the VCSA search committee composition and Wanner adjourned the meeting at 2:58 p.m.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID80193
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2018-02-16 13:22:48Updated2022-10-27 15:23:51
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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