University Committee Meeting Minutes 2017-12-11

University Committee Meeting Minutes

Minutes approved 12/18/2017
Approved Minutes for December 11, 2017         Approved December 18, 2017, as amended

UC members present: Amasino (arr. 1:13), Bowers, Litovsky (arr. 1:33), Ventura, Wanner (chair), Warfield
Others present: S. Smith, J. Richard, M. Felber, J. Smith, H. Daniels, J. O’Meara, 

Chair Anja Wanner called the meeting to order at 1:10 p.m. Casey Nagy and the UC discussed creation of a governance advisory committee in relation to the UW System restructuring and incorporation of Cooperative Extension into UW-Madison. Extension faculty have sent two documents [link and link] expressing their desire to continue as a distinct division within the Madison campus and their insistence on being included in governance representation. The latter document also insists that tenure appointments of all UW-Extension faculty be maintained. Ample discussion, primarily centered on assumption that Extension will enter as one piece, at least initially. Consensus that greater involvement by governance will be facilitated by creation of “advisory board.” Membership, calendar, and issues addressed up to the governance bodies themselves. Nagy will facilitate development of group, but implementation will be up to those involved.
Professor Eric Sandgren presented ideas to enhance governance communications. Discussion ensued. Although most of the suggestions, if not all in some form, are already in place, consensus that there is room for changes, which the UC and SOF will pursue. Agreement that the larger problem of lack of faculty involvement (in elections, on committees, with Senate, etc.) should be the subject of future discussions.

Provost Sarah Mangelsdorf reported on new Regent requirements to report on faculty workload. Starting next month, UWS dashboard will include searchable database of hours in classroom. Discussion followed, on several aspects, including what such reporting does not capture, role of part-timers and non-instructional staff, and teaching outside the classroom. First report will be based on existing teaching data sources. Future reports will involve consultation with faculty/UC in order to capture full complexity of faculty workload. Terry Warfield reported on BoR meeting item about a new MBA at Parkside, of which UW-Whitewater was unaware. System Vice President admitted error in notification, but regents voted anyway. Wide-ranging discussion about federal tax issues, family benefits, and performance metrics.

The minutes of the meeting of December 4, 2017, were approved. Jack O’Meara reported on PROFS activities, noting that the workload policy approved by the Board was another example of the Board taking state initiatives even further. Ruth Litovsky moved to convene in closed session pursuant to Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) and (f) to discuss personnel matters. The motion was seconded and approved at 2:36 p.m. The University Committee considered and approved one clinical initial clock extension, two other clock extensions, one dual role waiver, and one leave of absence. Warfield moved to reconvene in open session. The motion was seconded and passed at 3:10 p.m., at which point Wanner opened the door and then adjourned the meeting.

KeywordsUniversity committee   Doc ID80197
OwnerJulie S.GroupUW Secretary of the Faculty
Created2018-02-16 13:50:25Updated2022-10-27 15:23:51
SitesUW Secretary of the Faculty
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