OVCRGE-CASI Meetings 2018

Agendas, minutes, and upcoming locations of 2018 meetings of the Office of Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education CASI.

Monday, January 8334 Bascom HallCancelled 
Monday, February 12 334 Bascom HallAgenda Minutes
Monday, March 12Primate CenterAgendaMinutes
Monday, April 9334 Bascom HallAgendaMinutes
Monday, May 14334 Bascom HallAgendaMinutes
Monday, June 11Memorial Union TerraceAgenda Minutes
Monday, July 9334 Bascom Hall Cancelled  
Monday, August 13334 Bascom HallAgenda
Monday, September 10334 Bascom Hall Agenda Minutes
Monday, October 8260 Bascom Hall Cancelled Reserved for Subcommittee Work
Monday, November 12260 Bascom HallAgenda
Monday, December 1052 Bascom Hall Agenda

KeywordsCASI   Doc ID80785
OwnerChelsea D.GroupVCRGE and Graduate School
Created2018-03-12 11:36:54Updated2021-04-19 10:11:16
SitesVCRGE and Graduate School
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