AAE Internal Mailing Lists

AAE Internal mailing lists and descriptions

All lists end in   @g-groups.wisc.edu

aae-abm - Ag Business Management undergrad majors - restricted sending

aae-all - Anyone affiliated with the department - employees, grad students, CDP, UWCC, RENK. DOES NOT INCLUDE UNDERGRADS

aae-buscert - AAE Business Certificate students - restricted sending

aae-comm - AAE Communications committee members

aae-devcert - AAE Development Certificate students - restricted sending

aae-emeriti - Emeritus staff and faculty from AAE

aae-ec - Faculty Executive Committee - associate and full professors in AAE

aae-pc - Faculty Personnel Committee - faculty members of the Personnel Committee

aae-faculty - Current AAE Faculty members and a few select AAE staff members

aae-gradstudents - All AAE Grad Students (MS, PhD, VISP, MSPO)

aae-majors - AAE undergrad majors - restricted sending

aae-ms-mspo - AAE MS (MSPO) students

aae-ms-trad - AAE MS (Traditional) students

aae-onlyfaculty - Current AAE Faculty members ONLY  (no staff)

aae-pcard - PCard holders in AAE

aae-phd - AAE PhD Grad Students

aae-seminars - Seminar announcements

aae-staff - AAE Staff Members

aae-visp - AAE VISP Grad Students

taylorhall - Residents of Taylor Hall (those with office space) - MODERATED list

taylorhall-staff - Staff members of groups housed in Taylor Hall (AAE, UWCC, CDP, RENK). Members included even if they don't have Taylor Hall office space.

uwcc-staff - Current UWCC staff members

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Eric D. in Agricultural & Applied Economics
Agricultural & Applied Economics