MFA-Duo - Removing Devices

This document will explain how to remove devices (smartphone, token/fob) you no longer have possession of from Duo MFA.


When you no longer are in possession of a device (smartphone or token) or no longer wish to have a device registered to your account, you should remove it from your authorized login devices. Only the user who has the device registered the their account can remove that device.

Steps to remove a device

  1. Go to and login using your NetID and password, then authenticate (confirm your identity) using your smart device or token/fob. If you no longer have access to your device, use the MFA Duo Temporary Passcode application to get a temporary passcode for log in. Then click the blue Manage MFA Preferences and Devices button.

    Note: You cannot remove a device if it is the only device registered to your account. Be sure to add a new device before deleting your old device. Once a device is deleted, it can no longer be used to approve Duo authentication requests. If you are unable to delete a device, please contact the DoIT Help Desk (608)264-4357.

  2. In the Device Management Portal, find the device you would like to remove and select Edit.

    Delete device (Step 1)

  3. Select the red Delete option.

    Delete device (Step 2)

  4. Confirm that you are intentionally removing the device by selecting Delete (device) on the confirmation dialog.

    Delete device (Step 3)

See accessibility & usability information

We work with our users to address access and usability barriers in the MFA user experience. Learn details about known access barriers and workarounds at MFA-Duo - Accessibility & Usability Information. If you encounter a barrier or need assistance, please contact the DoIT Help Desk or call (608) 264-4357.

For questions regarding how to get access to the MFA mobile app contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or email

How to get access to a Security Key or Duo Token/Fob 


Students, to obtain a token/fob, please contact the DoIT Help Desk (608) 264-4357 or email Students with disabilities can also request a token or security key at the McBurney Disability Resource Center, 702 W. Johnson St., Suite #2104, Madison WI 53715 on the 2nd floor.

Faculty, Staff, and Researchers

Employees can get access to devices for MFA at their Human Resources Office or IT department. For questions contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or email 

remove delete cancel expire device phone iphone android tablet line two factor authentication auth multi old new token fob smartphone device 
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MST Support in Identity and Access Management
DoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management