NetID - Multiple NetID Verification Procedure

If a user has multiple NetIDs, the Multiple NetID Verification Tool can be used to verify ownership so that they can be reconciled to a single NetID and simplify access to services.

Why would a person have Multiple NetIDs?

A person can be affiliated to UW-Madison from multiple sources (for example, someone who is a student and an employee). This opens up the ability for the user to activate more than one NetID. For example, a Student Employee can have two NetIDs, one of which is associated with their student identity and the other with their employee identity.

Instructions for use of the Multiple NetID Verification tool

Below are instructions for you to verify that you own the two NetIDs in question. 

1. Log in to the Multiple NetID Verification tool with the first NetID 

Visit and log in through NetID Login.

2. Log in to the second NetID

Verify the first NetID information is what you expect for the first NetID, and then log in with the second NetID:

Second Login Screen

If the second login fails you will receive an 'Unsuccessful! Incorrect NetID and Password Combination' error. A screenshot of this error is listed below:

secondary login error

Note: Click on the "Account Recovery" link if you need to recover your second NetID or Password.

If the second login is successful you will receive the following message:

successful login

3. Wait for support staff to reach out to you for next steps.

After you successfully complete the verification process you will be contacted by DoIT support staff via email within 1 - 2 business days with instructions for next steps.

Again, please keep in mind that your Multiple NetIDs have not yet been merged.

Keywords"Multiple NetID", netids, ownership, identity, primary, secondary, two, verify, associate, association, reconcile, reconciliation, netid tool   Doc ID81599
OwnerMST SupportGroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2018-04-13 14:44:32Updated2023-07-24 08:49:32
SitesDoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff, Identity and Access Management
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