WiscWeb - Jump Links with RowID

This document will walk you through the process of adding links on your page that jump down to specific groupings of content based on the rowID in the content layout settings.


Please note that this process is best for pages that contain multiple content layouts. Content layouts provide rows of grouped content on a page. Each content layout can include one or more page elements. Content layout background colors will alternate down the page unless manually changed.

An example can be found on our FAQ page.

More information about content layouts can be found in WiscWeb - Editing content layouts 


  1. Login to the Dashboard of your site.

  2. Navigate to the page that you would like to add a jump link to (or create a new page).

  3. If you haven't added your content layouts yet, do so now.

    Content Layout in WiscWeb

  4. Click on the Settings Icon for the first content layout (top right corner).

    Settings Icon in Content Layouts

  5. Make sure that a Headline has been added to the content layout. The link you are creating will jump down to this headline.

    Headline Field in a Content Layout

  6. Locate the RowID field.

    RowID Field in Content Layouts

  7. Type in an ID for the content layout with hyphens/dashes (-) between each word. This does not need to be capitalized and should reference the headline of the content layout. (Example: if the headline is "Best Food on Campus," then the ID could be "best-food-on-campus.")

    Row ID example with dashes

  8. Update/Publish your page.

Using RowID jump links in the same page

These instructions will allow you to link to a content layout within the same page.

  1. Scroll to theText Block on the page where you'd like to add your jump links. If you don't have one, add a text block to the top of the page.

    Add a text block to the page

  2. Highlight the text that you'd like to link.

    Highlight the text you'd like to link

  3. Click on the Link Icon in the text/WYSIWYG editor.

    Edit/Insert Link

  4. Type in a hashtag (octothorp) and then type in the ID that you created for the content layout. (Example: if your ID is "best-food-on-campus," type "#best-food-on-campus" in the link field).

    Linking to the Jump Link

  5. Click the blue arrow to Apply the changes.

  6. Update/Publish your changes.

  7. Continue this process for each content layout on the page.

Using RowID jump links outside of the page

These instructions will show you how to share/utilize the jump links from a source outside of the page you created them on. This includes links from emails, other pages on the same site, pages on different sites, in PDF's, etc.

  • Locate the page you'd like to link to.

    URL of page you'd like to link to

  • In the URL field of the browser, type your hashtag + rowID combo behind the forward slash in the URL. If no forward slash exists at the end of the URL, add one.

  • (Example: if the URL of the page is "https://campusliving.wisc.edu/" then add the rowID behind the slash so it becomes "https://campusliving.wisc.edu/#best-food-on-campus").

    URL with RowID link added

  • Hit enter on your browser to test the functionality. Your browser should bring you down to the specific content layout for that RowID.

  • Copy and paste the URL into your outside source as a link.


  • If your new link isn't working, go back into your page and confirm that you were typing in the hashtag link exactly how you have it listed in the RowID field. If not, update your link.

  • Your in-page jump link won't work without the hashtag. Make sure to use the following format for the link: hashtag + rowID (Example: #best-food-on-campus).

KeywordsrowID, jump links, jump marks, anchor tags, content layout, headline   Doc ID86870
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2018-10-18 09:51:47Updated2024-05-02 10:47:31
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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