PDRC Agenda 10-05-18

Professional Development and Recognition Committee (PDRC)
October 2018 Agenda
Friday, October 5, 2018
_____ Kim Bruksch-Meck
_____ Steven Catania
_____ Nichlos Ewoldt
_____ Jim Lacy
_____ Mary Lewitzke
_____ Jennifer Meier
_____ Ken Niemeyer
_____ Martha Reck 
_____ Eva Rakasz 
_____ Mary Russell
_____ Brad Schantz
_____ Christine Schultz

1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Approval of September minutes
3. Standing Committee Reports
a. PD Grants- Brad and Mary R. 
b. Awards- Eva and Steven
c. Exec Ed Grants- Mary L. and Chris
d. DCS Course Grants- Ken and Jim
4. Discussion of Materials and Criteria for PD Grants
5. Adjourn Meeting

Upcoming Meetings: First Friday of the month, 9-10am in 2210 R Grainger Hall. Next meeting, Friday, November 2.