WiscWeb - Login issues

This document will walk you through the typical reasons that a user cannot login to WiscWeb to edit their site.

Not connected to the campus network

The most common reason that a user is not able to log into their WiscWeb site is because they are not connected to a campus network.

If you are on campus, make sure that you are either hard-wired (via ethernet cable) or connected via WiFi to UWNet or Eduroam. If you are not connected to one of these networks, you will see the "Sorry, there was a problem" error or a 403: Permission Required error.

If you are off campus, you must be logged in via WiscVPN (Palo Alto Global Protect). If you do not have WiscVPN on your computer, you will need to download and install it and then login to connect: WiscVPN - How to Install, Connect, Uninstall, and Disconnect WiscVPN Palo Alto GlobalProtect 

Wrong login credentials

With WiscWeb, you must always login with your NetID credentials. If you are unable to get in, please check to make sure you have the correct username (NetID) and password. If you recently changed your NetID password, you will need to use the new password or you will receive an error.

If you are logging in with a service account, please use the instructions below to ensure your credentials are correct:

Login with your service account credentials. The username/NetID will be everything listed before the @ symbol plus an underscore (_) and the beginning of their domain.

  • For example, if the service account is admin@wiscweb.wisc.edu
  • The username/NetID would be admin_wiscweb. 

The password is the one listed in the Wisc Account Administration site. If you do not have a password set, you will need to follow the instructions listed in this KB article: Microsoft 365 - Reset Service Account Password

"Too many redirects" or "too many cookies" errors

Periodically, users will receive a Too Many Redirects or Too Many Cookies error when attempting to edit or sign in to WiscWeb. Please clear your browser's cache and cookies (all time) to fix the error. 

Clearing Browser Cache and Cookies

Please also make sure to restart your browser after clearing cookies.

More information about cookie errors can be found in How to prevent “HTTP Error 431: Too many cookies” on wisc.edu sites.

You do not have an account

You may see this error if you do not have an account in WiscWeb. To be added to a site, please follow the instructions here: 

WiscWeb - Adding a user


  • Users have identified issues with accessing WiscWeb from various off campus cafés and restaurants. If you are connected to WiscVPN from off campus and are still having trouble logging in, the issue might be the WiFi setup at the business you are at. Please relocate and try again.

  • WiscWeb does not work well with Cisco AnyConnect. It is advised that you download and install Global Protect, instead. In very rare cases, users cannot use Global Protect on their computers. In those cases, please update your Cisco AnyConnect settings so that you are choosing the On Campus, Static IP option.

  • Some groups have their own departmental VPN and have periodically been unable to login to WiscWeb while connected. It is suggested that you use the primary campus WiscVPN for connecting to WiscWeb. 

  • The problem could be related to other login issues.

Keywordslogging in, login, access, issues, error, can't login, off campus, palo alto, global protect, vpn, too many redirects   Doc ID88009
OwnerJenna K.GroupWiscWeb
Created2018-11-28 09:59:35Updated2024-07-01 09:16:59
SitesDoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb
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