Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-11-05
Minutes approved December 3, 2018
Faculty Senate, November 5, 2018
All agenda items (PDF)
Chancellor Rebecca Blank called the meeting to order at 3:32 p.m. with 132 voting members present (110 needed for quorum). Memorial resolutions were offered for Professor Emeritus Edward Buxton (Faculty Document 2765), Professor Emeritus William Goodger (Faculty Document 2766), Professor Emeritus Archibald Haller (Faculty Document 2767), Professor Emerita Marilyn McCubbin (Faculty Document 2768), Professor Emeritus John Marshall (Faculty Document 2769), and Professor Emeritus Leonard Stein (Faculty Document 2770).
Chancellor Blank took advantage of the imminent anniversary of Jamie Thomson’s introduction of the first laboratory-derived human embryonic stem cells on 11/6/1998 to announce campus celebrations of this accomplishment. Blank also reported on plans for winter commencement, progress on our campus civic action plan, the campus vigil for the victims of the Tree of Life Synagogue shooting, and the expansion of campus computing and data science efforts. Interim Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education Norman Drinkwater presented the annual State of the Research Enterprise, focusing on grant programs, new initiatives, and reducing administrative burden. There were comments about Foxconn, the campus vigil, and administrative burden. The Faculty Senate Minutes 2018-10-01 were approved.
Professor Anja Wanner (English) presented the annual report for the University Academic Planning Council (Faculty Document 2771). Professor Tim Smeeding (La Follette School of Public Affairs) presented the annual report for the University Lectures Committee (Faculty Document 2772). Professor Emeritus Bruce Thomadsen (Medical Physics) presented the annual report for the Commission on Faculty Compensation and Economic Benefits (Faculty Document 2773). Professor Ivy Corfis (Spanish & Portuguese) presented the annual report for the University Curriculum Committee (Faculty Document 2774). There were no comments or questions on any of these reports.
Professor Rick Amasino (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2764, which expresses the Faculty Senate’s support of the new UW-Madison policy on consensual relationships. The resolution passed by voice vote with no dissenting votes. Professor Steve Ventura (University Committee, District 120) moved adoption of Faculty Document 2763, which transfers tenure of University of Wisconsin-Extension faculty to University of Wisconsin-Madison. The resolution passed by voice vote. Prof. Amasino moved adoption of Faculty Document 2775, which generally endorses continued support of graduate students and remands the specific issue to the shared governance Budget Committee. Professor Chad Goldberg (Sociology, District 71) moved to postpone the resolution to the December meeting. The motion passed by voice vote.
Professor Irwin Goldman (Horticulture) presented Faculty Documents 2776 and 2777, two resolutions regarding the use of the word “professor” in potential future Academic Staff titles. There were several comments, which will be considered and incorporated prior to these items being brought back for a vote.
Chancellor Blank adjourned the meeting at 4:45 p.m.

Steven K. Smith
Secretary of the Faculty
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